Where do I start?????


I'm just beginning an exercise program. Well, actually, I'm just beginning ANOTHER exercise program. I have worked out off and on over the past 3 years or so, but have not worked out consistently in the past 6 months. I'm very active and athletic, so I would not categorize myself as a beginner as far as exercise goes. However, I'm not really sure where exactly to start in order to obtain the best results I can as quickly as I can (I'm not expecting a miracle and I know to only lose 1-2 lbs per week, but I'm sure some programs are simply more efficient than others!) After reading many of the questions and answers from all of you, I figured I might as well ask a truly "Educated Crowd" for advice. I purchased the Pure Strength series and for the past 3 weeks I have been doing the Strong Legs & Abs Mondays & Fridays. I have combined the two upper body tapes and do that on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays I do a Firm tape (Volume 1). My theory is since muscle burns more fat, if I start lifting weights and building muscle, I would obviously burn more fat and see results much sooner (and be all the more motivated, of course!). I read some of the other messages saying to do so many different workouts each week, but I just don't know how anybody can fit that all in! I can barely find time for 5 60 minute workouts each week! Once the weather gets nicer, I will also walk after work (I do a 4 mile walk in 45 minutes 3 days per week). I also have heard different theories on the amount of weight I should lift and am wondering what the truth is: (1) heavy weights/less reps to bulk up and light weights/more reps to tone or (2) heavy weights all the way since a very, very small percentage of women build muscle like a bodybuilder does. Any advice and comments you could offer would be greatly appreciated!!
where do I start???

Missy - Hi. I know that I am not Cathe but I read your message and had to respond. It seems like you are weight training too much! You are not giving you muscles time to rest! I enjoy the firm tapes, as well, but it is important to give your body time to rest. What might be a better idea for weight loss: alternate cardio days with weight training days. I enjoy Cathe's Interval Max and Tae Bo for cardio (but do a lot of variety) and the Pure Strenth videos of Cathes along with the Firm. Good luck!! Just be careful not to overtrain!!! :)
I agree

I agree with Sarah, you must give your muscles a break, the rest time is when they can recover and build. I usually do strength training one day, then cardio next. I do Cathe's Pure Strength Series. So for Example: Mon: Legs,Abs, Tues: Cardio (step tape or cycle or run) Wed: chest/Shoulders/Triceps Thurs: Cardio Fri: Back/Biceps/Abs
Hope this helps
Thanks for the advice!

Thanks for the advice! So even though I'm working my lower body one day and my upper body the next, that is too much? I thought as long as I didn't work the same body parts two days in a row, that that would give my muscles enough time to rest. I had a feeling I should be doing more cardio, so I'll have to work more of that into my program. I guess I have a lot to learn! Thanks again!

Also . . .

I bought Interval Max and watched about 15 minutes of it. I don't know if I could EVER do it! It looks so hard and I am not always the most coordinated person. Any advice on some other Cathe cardio tapes that I could try first?

IM and Cathe's other tapes

Hi Missy!

Interval Max is indeed very intimidating when you first watch it, but it's doable, really
! The key is just to modify whatever you can't do. I, for example, modify pretty much every interval (I also do it on a 4"), and that workout still kicks my butt!

As for other Cathe step tapes to try, I would highly recommend either Step Heat or her Wedding Tape to get acquainted to her style. I started with Step Heat after someone recommended that to me, and it was an excellent introduction to her
. Also, PowerMax would be a great one to go with as well. It's intense, but so much fun! In fact, it's my all-time favorite cardio video!

Good luck
Hi Missy!

I see you have already gotten some great advice so I'll just add a few things.

Yes, I agree, it does seem that you are a bit overloaded with the weight training. Since you have asked for the best way to get the quickest results, I'll point out that it is a proven fact that the combination of BOTH cardio and weight training will provide you with not only the quickest, but the safest and most effective results. The other reason that I would also strongly recommend doing (atleast three 20 minute minimum per week) cardiovascular workouts is because these workouts most directly train and condition your heart muscle.....the major muscle that we can not afford to neglect.

For weight training, I would recommend that you hit each major muscle group atleast once and no more than twice per week. Also, as you have already stated, never hitting the same muscle groups back to back. I recommend doing the entire PS series once per week and then one total body weight workout on a fourth day. For cardio, you can start with three 20 minute workouts, doing two of them immediately before or after(does not matter)the PS upper body strength tapes. The third one can be on a day all by itself, going a little longer than 20 minutes as you get more acclimated to cardio.

Here is a sample of this type of week:

Mon...PS Back, Biceps,Abs PLUS 20 minutes cardio
Tues..PS Legs/Abs
Wed...Just Cardio day
Thurs.PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps PLUS 20 min cardio.
Fri...Rest Day
Sat...A Total Body weight workout

As for the theories on weight training techniques, everyone owns their own unique set of genetics. Therefore, each individual will respond differently to exercise. My suggestion is to try all methods/techniques and see which one works most favorably for you.

Good Luck!

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my questions personally! I am sure with your new little one, you have plenty to keep you busy! The advice I have received from you and everyone else has really motivated me even more. Thanks everyone!

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