>though, there must be a better method.

I have an idea though I am personally too lazy to do it!:p

Buy a box of safety pins. Every time a pair of socks is removed from a family members toes, safety pin that pair together before tossing in the hamper! If you STILL end up with missing socks then there REALLY IS a monster living in the dryer!!!!:7
So, I think the sock thing is universal! I certainly don't lose any sleep over them though. I use a laundry basket as the sock bin. I toss them in the basket when they come out of the dryer and I pair them another time. When I have too many unmatched socks, I just throw them away. But, I'm always clinging to the hope that the mate will show up sometime! Thankfully, socks are not an expensive item.


Hi there- I have a solution- use a mesh lingerie bag (Walmart or Meijer has them)-each person in the family can use one-you store it by their dirty clothes hamper and they throw all their socks in it into the washing machine and dryer and sort their own socks when they are done:) (disclosure-this idea is borrowed)
I just returned fron visiting my FIL, and he does in fact safety pin all his socks together before they go in the wash. Guess it works as long as your only have your own laundry. I don't think I could be bothered doing for my whole family. So I too live with the missings socks! When I just packed for vacation I couldn't even find seven pairs of socks for each of my kids and they both have aleast a dozen or more! And I had did all the laundry before we packed! Still couldn't find 'em.

Seinfeld did a routine on this that had me in stitches. He said that socks only wish to escape. The hide on the door of the dryer hoping you don't see them, and when it's safe, they jump ship and run away. Did you ever see a sock on the side of the road? That's one that didn't make it.

I think one day when we pass on and go where ever it is that we go, we'll come acroos all of our loved ones, our lost pets, and good friends, and as we're wondering blissfully along, we'll stumble on to a huge pile of socks and other those pesky other items that seem to get lost and can never be found (my car keys when I'm in a hurry come to mind).
:7 This thread has definitely made me smile!!!

I have got to try the mesh idea, I think it sounds great. I don't think I have time to pin each pair of socks, but the meshy-doo will be great! I also LOVE Kathryn's idea - we actually turned some sox into tug-of-war toys for the dogs. :)

"...we'll stumble on to a huge pile of socks and other those pesky other items that seem to get lost and can never be found..."

And the mates to all those single shoes you see on the side of the road.
I know where they go. The very same place all my golf balls go!!! if you play, you understand;) That is.....unless you play really well.
Christine, when you see that pile of socks, please look for my pile of gloves. At the moment, my coat closet has a shelf full of single gloves with no matches. When I find two the same color, I just wear 'em and hope nobody notices that they're a different style and fabric. :p :+
Nancy, Funny you bring up the problem with gloves. Just a couple of days ago I was getting my gloves out and found three unmatched gloves! Nice ones! I can't believe it! At least socks aren't expensive (well, at least my socks aren't expensive). :p So Christine, please look for mine, too!

Father Guido Sarducci use to say on Sturday Night Live that when you get to heaven, you get a box of everything you've lost while you were alive. You'll probably get some socks, a set of car keys, a couple pairs of sunglasses, etc.

Susan L.G.
Our dryer broke down one day and my Hubby thought it was because I put too much in there and wore the gears out (which I do). This was a fairly new dryer, but just past the warranty so he took it to the garage to open it up and see. Lo and Behold, there were 3 socks wrapped around the bar that turns the drum. I was amazed, how did they get there? the only possible way was through the lint trap!!!
my girl-cat steals/plays with our socks! if i leave a basket of them out.... the next morning or when i come home from work... they are strewn all over the house! she LOVES socks!

(and yes.... my dryer eats socks, too!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
See! PROOF that dryers DO eat socks!! Guess your dryer was feeling a little sick and couldn't finish the undigested socks... :+
I know, MissL, some of mine are nice ones too. But I'm just hopeless at keeping track of gloves.
Nancy - gloves vanish in our house as well, especially ski gloves. DH keeps all of the ski clothes and accessories in a plastic tub, but none-the-less, every year we have to buy new ones as we are down to one of each set.

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