Where can I buy a 4ft. bar?

ok, where in the world can I find a bar like Cathe uses? Where's the best deals on the web? I have a 6 foot bar and it's way too long. help please and THANKS!!! :)

Kerri :)

oh, any helpful info on changing weights during tapes would be great. What do u do? pause the tape?

I have a 6 foot bar, too, and it is WAY too long. I'd like a shorter, padded one; sort of like the FIRM bar, but those are prohibitively expensive. Anyone know of where to buy one like this on the web?

Ivanko barbell

This is similar to the FIRM barbell but much cheaper. Check the VideoFitness forum in the Equipment conference. There should be info about ordering as well.
Bally's barbell at Target

I bought a 4-foot barbell at Target called Power Flex by Bally's (came with a tape too). It's in with the sporting goods. It cost about $50, and I put foam pipe insulator around it for padding. The only problem - it only goes up to 38 pounds. Now when I bought it that seemed like more than I would ever need, but thanks to Cathe and PS I decided I needed a heavier barbell earlier this year (especially for legs). So I did buy a long one, and now I have two! Makes switching weights much easier.

I checked out fitness1st.com. They don't have a shipping price. Do you know how much it costs for shipping.

It depends where you live. Emailor call them and they will let you know. Its only 5 pounds and didnt cost me very much. I cant remember the exact amount.

I went ahead and bought a bar from paragonsports.com. It came to $37.00, but I went second day on delivery. THe bar was $25. can't wait to get it. It'll be nice to have two bars to work with too! THanks for the help!!

Kerri :0
I am 5 feet 4 inches and have a five foot barbell. I was a little worried about the length at first but it has worked out fine. I had wanted a four foot barbell but could not find one. I am happy with the five foot one and have no regrets.
I actually ordered the Troy Lite 5 lb. bar last Wednesday and it arrived today!! It is 5 feet long rather than the four they say on their website but it looks like it will be just fine. I'm 5'4" btw. Shipping from their warehouse in Kansas to me in Colorado was $5.53. So the total was $23.03. Not bad!


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