<---squat thrusts into thread and waves good morning to all
<---had a nice weekend but it was over too fast
<---is not happy about the weather today (cold and rainy), but thinks if it has to happen, it's best that it not happen on a weekend
<---is sorry Robin and Shelley have the same weather as <---
<---is sorry Shelley's doggie has a runny but x(
<---wonders which doggie it is
<---is happy for Amelia and her free car wash
<---understands Connie's lack of enthusiasm about having to work extra to make extra money
<---can't make extra money from working extra (<--- is salaried), so <--- just doesn't work extra
<---is glad Beth has not turned blue
<---is sorry Catherine's doggies got into a fight, but is glad no one was hurt
<---hopes Amelia can find the nerve to sign up for the RT
<---assures her that it will be SUCH a fun time and that she will meet so many sweet and wonderful Catheites
<---whistles at Doodles in her sexy black dress
<---is sure she will have a lovely time at the ball this weekend
<---has to go see about making some hotel reservations for <--- and Shelley... bbl!
<---posted at the same time as Liann
<---is also guilty of turning cheat day into cheat weekend
<---wonders if Liann is getting excited about registering herself for the RT