<--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and...


<---waves a happy goodmorning to the OALers, even though it IS Monday
<---is expecting rain all day and even heard the nasty "S" word in the forecast for the county north of us
<---will be back in a bit
<--- tries to wave but can't lift arm from fatigue
<--- tells Robin it's pouring here
<--- 's dog still has a runny butt
<--- has to leave her alone all day and isn't looking forward to what she'll come home to one little bitx(
<--- is tired and super-cranky
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<---is sorry to hear Shelley's pup is still poopy
<---cringes at the thought of what may await Shelley this afternoon
<---is NOT cranky this morning, but who knows what the day will bring
<---will see you all in a bit
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<--Waves good Morning to Robin,Shelly and all who follows!
<--wonders if Shelly happens to have a diaper to put on her runny but poochie?
<--'s Aunt uses diapers when her chiuaua has the runs!
<--Hopes that the nasty S word stays north of Robin today
<--was thrilled to finally get a minute yesterday to wash her very dirty car:)
<--was even more thrilled to find out that one of the car washing stalls was working without having to put money in}(
<--took her sweet time washing her dirty car }(;-)
<--is still feeling a sore throat but will WO anyway!
<--hopes everybodies monday flys by quickely!
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<---high fives Amelia on her free car wash
<---wonders if Amelia's sore throat could pollen induced
<---has had post nasal drippy stuff clogging throat for about a week
<---thinks it is due to the pollen that is making the cars look greenish-yellow
<---better go try to look busy
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<-- waves good morning
<-- is at work again x(
<-- says today is usually <-- Friday, but <-- is working Tuesday night for some overtime money
<-- is excited about the money
<-- isn't excited about the extra time at work to make the money :p
<-- is :eek: about the S word Robin's talking about
<-- thinks Shelley's understandably cranky and anxious about her pup being home alone and sick
<-- thinks the diaper idea is a very good one
<-- is uber excited about Amelia's free car wash
<-- waves to all who follow
<-- bbl
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<---waves a soggy good morning
<---says the rain is coming down here too
<---is excited Amelia got a free car wash
<---hopes her throat feels better soon
<---also hopes Shelley's poopy pup gets better soon
<---seconds the diaper idea
<---waves to Connie
<---is starting to feel like Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
<---is bloated beyond belief, but at least has not turned blue yet(';)')
<---hates feeling like this
<---does the soft shoe to Singin' in the Rain out of the thread

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<--waves good morning!!
<--sends sunshine everyone's way
<--hopes Shelly doesn't have too much of a mess when she gets home
<--sends Beth anti-bloat dust
<--agrees with Robin about all the icky pollen!!
<--wonders if Amelia is still on for the GTG?
<--reports Muffie and Bisquit had a fight last night x(
<--the first one they've had in months
<--and poor Bisquit with her bad knee :(
<--no injuries, thank goodness
<--then Muffie got up in the middle of the night and threw up
<--Bisquit is scheduled for her surgery tomorrow
<--wonders how in the world they do ACL and Subluxating Patella repair in such a tiny thing?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<--pops in to waves to Connie,Beth and Catherine!
<--Tells Catherine that<--probably won't be going to the GTG:-(
<--said yes at first with good intentions but <--is just to darn shy right now and can't come up with enough nerve to join you guys!
<--appologizes to Lorie and Catherine and Thanks Lorie for the invitaion:)
<--Tells them that<--really wants to meet everybody but will have to do it when <--feels comfortable (painfully shy)
<--has accepted her shyness and will have to venture out of her comfort zone one day,LOL:+
<--appologizes for being a freakazoid:p
<--is still waiting for her breakfast to digest before hitting the weights and TM!
<--will bbl
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<--says hello
<--had a good weekend
<--has been uber exhausted lately
<--is looking foward to our Fireman's banquet this weekend
<--bought a cute black, sexy dress this weekend for it
<--thinks the BF really likes it lol
<--is surely hoping Shelley doesn't have a nasty mess at home
<--hopes she cheers up
<--hopes AMelia has a really good WO!
<--didn't realize Catherine's pup is having surgery!!
<--is appalled along with Robin at the thought of snow
<--is not impressed with this rainy cold weather either

Maeghan AKA megadoo


~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~
<---waves good morning to all you beautiful ladies! :)
<---had a pretty good weekend, but thinks it ended way too fast
<---turned her cheat day into a semi-cheat weekend, but has all her meals planned out for this week and plans to stick to it
<---tells Robin is is gloomy and rainy here too :(
<---its way too warm for the S word here though - is not even wearing a jacket today
<---tells Shelley that she has "Metronidazole" on hand for when her dogs get runny butts
<---says that stuff is a miracle worker at calming down doggie digestive issues
<---adds that just a few weeks ago Dakota got a "bug" and spent all Friday night (while we were sleeping) making messes in the family room for DH to have to clean the next morning
<---hands Shelley a few diapers and her steam vac
<---is sorry about Amelia's sore throat! :(
<---hopes it clears up soon
<---tells Connie - woo-hoo for overtime money! :)
<---sends anti-bloat vibes Violet's (I mean Beth's) way ;)
<---is sorry about the doggie fight at Catherine's house, but wonders if that might be a good sign on both dogs part?
<---waves hi to Maeg and thinks she will look awesome in her new dress! :)
<---is off to down some black coffee and then run errands...
<---squat thrusts into thread and waves good morning to all :)
<---had a nice weekend but it was over too fast
<---is not happy about the weather today (cold and rainy), but thinks if it has to happen, it's best that it not happen on a weekend
<---is sorry Robin and Shelley have the same weather as <---
<---is sorry Shelley's doggie has a runny but x(
<---wonders which doggie it is
<---is happy for Amelia and her free car wash ;)
<---understands Connie's lack of enthusiasm about having to work extra to make extra money :p
<---can't make extra money from working extra (<--- is salaried), so <--- just doesn't work extra
<---is glad Beth has not turned blue ;)
<---is sorry Catherine's doggies got into a fight, but is glad no one was hurt
<---hopes Amelia can find the nerve to sign up for the RT
<---assures her that it will be SUCH a fun time and that she will meet so many sweet and wonderful Catheites
<---whistles at Doodles in her sexy black dress ;)
<---is sure she will have a lovely time at the ball this weekend
<---has to go see about making some hotel reservations for <--- and Shelley... bbl!

<---posted at the same time as Liann :)
<---is also guilty of turning cheat day into cheat weekend :p
<---wonders if Liann is getting excited about registering herself for the RT
RE: <--when I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop...

<-- :7
<-- thanks Catherine and Maeghan for the waves
<-- has already fixed 4 major work issues
<-- feels proud to be so productive this early :p
<-- admires Beth's soft shoe dance
<-- sends lots of positive vibes to Bisquit and family for surgery Tuesday
<-- can relate to Amelia's shyness
<-- thinks a Fireman's Banquet is a freakin' awesome thing to look forward to
<-- wishes could go with ^^ and meet hot fireman
<-- is uber proud of Liann for having healthy meals planned for the week already
<-- :7 at Emily's squat thrust entrance
<-- is glad ^^ has so much energy this Monday morning
<-- trying to decide if <-- really wants a free donut
<-- says Monday is donut day at work :9
<-- usually only eats one if there <-- favorite left
<-- can't decide if <-- should hope for one to be left or not :+
<-- will update on Donut Decision 0426 later :7
<---tells Em, she is excited and nervous about signing up
<---just hopes she doesn't get a ton of errors again!
<---is glad to know she wasn't the only one who extending her cheat day a little ;)
<--thanks Emily and Liann for the whistles!! lol
<--will take some pics of the banquet and of course share
<--has alot of things to do to prepare for the banquet
<--figures <--better step up and do alot since <--is the Leutenant hehe
<--informs Connie that there is nothing like a HOT FIREMAN}( :p :9
<--admits tho....FDNY is **HOT**:9
<--was SOOO lucky to see a bunch of them when <--was visiting AMyg and Fancy Nancy in NYC last year!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo


~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~

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