When do you skip a workout? + popping hip?


Hi all,

Just wondering what you consider a "good" reason to skip a workout, health-wise? For example, do you follow the "if I'm sick below the neck, then I skip, but if it's just a head cold, I still do a workout"?

If you're not feeling too great, but know that you CAN workout, you just aren't really sure that you want to, how do you motivate yourself to get up and do it?

And last but not least - and this is sort of random - but do you ever feel your hip "pop" when you're doing things like bicycle crunches or any moves that require you to lift your leg up and down while you are laying down on the ground flat on your back?

I must admit that I am not as disciplined as it seems others are here on this forum. I see these rotations with just one day off and I just think "HA!" My life is way too hectic to work out 6 days a week although I'd LOVE to!

With that being said, I like to look at the big picture/journey of exercising. Some weeks I work out more than others and some less, and that's ok. Sometimes I force myself to work out and other times, I just relax and have a night off. I don't know if I'm answering the first part of your question, but of course, you should listen to your body. It's ok to not exercise here and there.

As for the popping hip, I'm certainly not a doctor, nor a therapist, but I do have the same thing. I'm seeing a physical therapist for knee issues and for some of my exercises, I have to lay down and bring my legs up to 'table top' position and then back down and I feel a (for lack of a better word) 'pop' sometimes. My PT said that it was my hip tendon moving over the joint. It doesn't hurt but I feel the 'click' when it happens.
Just wondering what you consider a "good" reason to skip a workout, health-wise?

I skip if I have a bad headache, my blood pressure is up, if I'm bleeding, if I have a broken bone in my leg or foot. I skip if I'm vomitting or have diahrrea.

If you're not feeling too great, but know that you CAN workout, you just aren't really sure that you want to, how do you motivate yourself to get up and do it? I never skip if I'm depressed because exercise is a better antidepressant than anything available from the doctor.

do you ever feel your hip "pop" when you're doing things like bicycle crunchesYes I do. I just try to watch my form. Often what effects it is whether or not I am turning my foot in or out (like in ballet).I won't use a recumbant bike for that reason. My legs are different length and so the hip pops

My message is apparently too short because I inserted it into the question. I hope that is helpful.
I'm not working out right now because I screwed up my back, so I have no choice. One of my resolutions for the year is to get my butt back in gear because I've come up with too many excuses to not work out, but if I'm sick I don't.

As for your hip - I have that exact same problem and I visited an ortho doc about it. It's actually called "snapping hip syndrome." It is a tendon sliding over the joint, as the previous poster indicated. As long as there is no pain involved, I'm told it's nothing to worry about. I've had it since I was 18 and I'm now in my late 40s. Anything lying down with extended legs and raises will cause it to pop - very loudly! It will also pop on the first couple of roundhouse kicks when I do kickboxing.
I won't workout if I have a fever otherwise unless I have a broken bone I'll workout.

Many times I will feel sick, tired or have sinus issues but I still will workout. I find that it makes me feel much better even if it's only temporary. I am never worse off then before I worked out. So that is what motivates me to workout even if I feel "off". I know I'm going to feel better. I tell myself if I feel worse during the workout or I really don't have the energy then I can stop.

I can't help you with the hip pop. I have never had that happen before.
My left hip pops with the P90X abs - Hip rock & raise and with the leg conditioning drills thigh/leg raises. It's really annoying (Not painful) and I try to use slightly different angles which doesn't always help.

On days I can get a double workout in, I will so that any time during the week when time gets away from me and I can't then I'm ok, I still get my 6 workouts in. I rarely get sick so I don't take time off for that. Sometimes a good workout helps get the blood flowing and clears the sinuses or even a mild headache. But, if it ain't there...it ain't there -- Time to quit and give my body a break.
Hmmm, health wise, I work out through everything but headaches and nausea. Those 2 render me unable to function, usually.

For me, the I take days off when a) my work schedule forces me to...which isn't often, or b) when my legs are FRIED with DOMS. If my legs are burned out, I find that it really impacts the quality of the rest of my work.

And for the hip popping...yep. That happens all the time for me. I actually have part of my left hip joint that regularly dislocates...thanks to my chiro, he puts me back together. But it's mostly due to lack of strecthing and a muscle imbalance in around my inner thigh and hip flexors.
For the most part I just listen to my body as to how I am feeling. However, if I already did not work out yesterday and am not feeling great, I will go ahead and workout unless I have a fever.

But if I did workout yesterday and do not feel that great, I will most likely take the day off.

As for the popping hip, I have a popping shoulder, most likely from when I broke it. It is fine and I ignore it unless it gives me pain, which it does not.
As for your hip - I have that exact same problem and I visited an ortho doc about it. It's actually called "snapping hip syndrome." It is a tendon sliding over the joint, as the previous poster indicated. As long as there is no pain involved, I'm told it's nothing to worry about. I've had it since I was 18 and I'm now in my late 40s. Anything lying down with extended legs and raises will cause it to pop - very loudly! It will also pop on the first couple of roundhouse kicks when I do kickboxing.

Thank you for sharing this! I get this hip pop, too, and always wondered what it was!
Thank you for your feedback everyone. It is good to see others say they push through minor aches and pains, and it makes sense that working out will often make it better.

I'm fighting a nasty head cold and feel tired and less energetic than usual. I skipped a workout yesterday but I did one this morning after a hair appointment, and I'm really glad I did. I'm just doing Basic Step for now, it's my first Cathe workout, but it's awesome. I can almost do it the whole way through.

And THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING THE HIP THING. This has bugged me for so so so very long. Glad to know what it is. It doesn't really hurt, but is very loud and annoying, lol.

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