When are the DVD's SHIPPING???


I guess I am pushing the issue....! We ordered the DVD's back in May and we still do not have them???? I guess I recieved VHS tapes in error and now that made me ANSEY (if there is such a word).... because I HAD TO SEND THEM BACK,,,, but i check my order status everyday AND NOTHING( :( ...

When are they shipping.. I really dont think that is too much to ask!!
}( }( }( }( .. yes I am being PUSHY! :+
According to the information Cathe gave us, the DVD's are still at the replicators and likely will be until the end of this week/beginning of next. Once SNM receives the completed DVD's, they will probably do some quality checks before they ship.

We're all very eager to get the DVD's and I know SNM is doing everything possible to make sure we get a quality product as quickly as possible. :)
The last update was the 7th when Cathe announced the DVD's were off to the replicators so somewhere around the 21st, we should hear something! I quit checking so much. I was driving myself nuts! Darn high speed internet connection makes it too easy! I can't remeber the last time I was so excited about something! Won't be long now and I know they'll be worth the wait!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
I was on vacation .. and hoping :-( just hoping;) when I returned they would be at my door but ..... ;( I am waiting .. thanks for the updated.. we might not get them until next month! uggggghhhh:(
You know this may sound very wierd, but I don't want to know when they ship. I would love the surprise when I open the door someday and there is my package. That would just be wonderful. I am expecting them to take another 2 weeks or so before they start to ship. I'm not that concerned, I figure they will eventually get here, and when they do I will be very happy!

I'm with you, Kathy. As excited and (almost) impatient as I am about these DVD's, I have more than enough Cathe workouts to keep me busy in the meantime (even though I envy those who've tried the workouts:p ). I haven't had a nice surprise in a good while, so it would be nice when I see the DVD's at my door.

Who cares? Soon enough. I can wait.

Quite honestly, I hardly ever remember that they will be shipping soon, I couldn't care less when they arrive, I have so much to do in my life, even when they do arrive, they will probably sit for a week until can get to them. Right now, they will sit at the bottom of my to-do list....

Off to tackle more on the list....

I have to agree with Clare, these DVD's are not something that consumes my thoughts, when they get here, they get here, I have other workouts to along with many other things to keep me busy....... Rhonda:7
I wouldn't go so far as to say they consume my thoughts but I do love receiving packages! I ordered a bunch of books from half.com and they ship media mail so it can take days or weeks. I know they are coming but I don't know when. My fourteen year-old loves to check the mail so I wait for her to get home from school to get it and so far, zip! I can't imagine waiting to open anything that I don't have to!:)
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
I am sorry, and please don't take this the wrong way....but I am always greatful when I can put my "problems" in perspective.

I look at our world, and it is a mess. We have literally hundreds of families who are saying "When will my son/daughter/husband/father/wife/you-name-it arrive at my house" because they are off fighting in a foriegn country. In many cases these people were sent away long before May, and they have been waiting for something much more precious to arrive, for a far greater time.

I think of my state that has been devastated by fires recently and people wish they actually had a home that dvd's could be shipped to.

I think of my personal life, where I am all the more greatful that (currently) my problems are the excitement and the impatience of awaiting something I look forward to, like a new workout. Yes, I have plenty of videos and dvd's and a variety of other ways to work out, but I am restless for something new.

I know you may not mean what you said in a bad, or truly angry way, and again please don't misunderstand my response either. This is just a little game I play with myself when I start to feel frustrated. I think of all the blessings I have, and things that are truly wrong, or problems to worry about, and it helps me to put it all in perspective. I am honestly just sharing because I love this forum, and the people on it, and my heart is just to encourage at the moment as this sounded disencouraged to me. They get shipped when they get shipped.
Oh please...

The girl was just asking a question. I didn't see her as being angry, just anxious. Your lengthy post was just not necessary.
Dani, we have every right in the world to be excited and impatient for the DVD's and I am ever so happy for all the patient folks in the world but I am not and have never been one. I don't understand why anyone would care that any of us wish to post that excitement and impatience nor do I think that it makes the lovely Cathe irritated or pressured. The DVD's will take as long as they will take and arrrive when they get here and I know that! I am as busy as a one-armed paper hanger but there are some things I do, such as hanging out in the forums, probably far to often but that is my perogitive! Don't be upset by anyone who doesn't understand the joy of anticipation. My sister teases me about how enthusiastic I can get about the simplist things. Six weeks ago I was deeply depressed and barely functional. Thanks to my family and my doctor I am feeling wonderful, working out and excited again! I too am restless. I don't sit still which is why I have been doing Yoga and attempting to meditate. I may master taht in a hundred years or so! LOL!Still, I like myself the way I am. Impatience and excitability is part of the package. As Cathe says,(they can) take"me or leave "me"! ;-)
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
So just because someone is anxious about the DVD's they are not thankful for other things in life? She said she was on vacation and might have missed an announcement. Lighten up.
who cares? are you kidding? hahahaha - i'm with iamfirm. i'm DYING for the dvd's to come. whether i'm too busy or not - i just can't wait to get them in my hot little hands. :)
I'm sorry Dani that you got attacked for just trying to have a positive attitude, and hey whenever you want to make a lengthy post, you go girl!
Hi All! I will post an update in "ask Cathe" but just wanted to quickly say that it is understandable that everyone is very eager to receive their DVD's. I'm sure at times this anticipation will surface with some tension. I thank everyone for respectfully trying to keep the peace with their thoughtful words and analogies.

The wait will be over very soon!

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