Wheel step, looks cool!

OOOOhhhh. It looks like fun but I remember the first time I tried rthymic step! No way! It would have to be a class of all beginners for me to try!
Seasun Zieger is very innovative with her step routines. I have The Next Step and there is an add on portion where she uses 2 steps. I thought it was fun, but I do not own an extra step and I have no intention of buying one.

You should try Seasun's step DVDs, they are more complex than Cathe's. They are a challenge but still a great workout. What's more The Next Step is low impact.

HI Haydee!!! How's Mr. Logan?

That looks insanely fun. I stress the insane part. I'd likely injure myself or someone else doing that.
They have something similar at my gym called Quad step. I never took the class because the time was not right for me, but one of the instructors was telling me that if you're just starting quad step, you have to be in the beginners spot so everyone is running into everyone else, but as you get better you're allowed to move up through the steps and get with people who are better. I was always nervous to try it anyway because it sounds even worse with a bunch of beginners all grouped together - kind of like a beginners karate class where no one really knows how to aim a kick...
Wow, how cool. I browsed Seasun's other videos and saw one where she's doing double step outside on her deck with her son and dog out there, too. She was just noodling around. That looks like fun, actually.

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