What's your preferred variety of apple?


Yes, I'm seriously asking this question.

I'm a big fan of apples with cheese or nut butter, but sometimes I don't want the add-ons--I just want to eat an apple. That is, I want to eat a TASTY apple. I've eaten incredible Fuji apples, only to be disappointed by the next batch I buy. Same with Galas. The only kind I know I'll like every time is a new organic kind called "Honey Crisp", but those are dreadfully expensive.

Apples, honestly, bore me. Other than that, they're great, right? A nice "clean" thing to eat. When they're yummy, they're REALLY yummy. But when they're so-so...BORING!!!

I did a search on the forums here, before posting this question, to make sure it hadn't been asked before. Only came up with references to apple shaped bodies and butts, lol!

Well, I hesitate to enter such a controversial thread;) , but I've had pretty good luck with galas. I love washington reds, but sometimes they seem like they're all peel or something. I recently tried a 'honey pear' which looks like a huge yellow apple, but was totally grossed out with it. I find that apples are more interesting for me to eat when I cut them up as well(a trick I learned from my sister).

The only apples with any taste and that I can stand are Braeburns. And even then, any degreee os "mush" to it and it's straight in the trash. I really miss English apples, Coxes, such flavour and crispness. Sigh.

I have 2 favorites. Honey Crisp is one of them. My other favorite is Pink Lady. You must try a Pink Lady! I think if you love Honey Crisp, you'll love Pink Ladies.
Good luck!:)
Gala apples are my fave.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Honeycrisp all the way, but I will give Pink Lady a try now that Deb suggested it. They are probably cheaper. :) Honeycrisp gets pretty expensive sometimes, but ooooooh, they are good!

It amazes me how the variety and availability of apples has increased over the past 10 year. I love early macs, so tart, crisp and yummy but I also love mitsous, like a cross between an apple and a pear. I love cooking with russets but there not available for very long.

Take Care
Any apple tastes great with fat-free carmel dip;) Definitely a Washington red delicious fan here.
I know exactly what you mean! I would eat apples since they were tolerable and I knew they were good for me, but never really looked forward to them. Last year, when I started shopping at Whole Foods, I couldn't believe the variety-I thought the only apples in existance were Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Golden...boy was I wrong! If you can find them, try Jona Gold. Even my DH will eat them....and they may have just changed my mind about apples forever. I almost understand a certain celebritiy's decision to name her child after one! :)
I seem to have inherited my Pappy's taste for Golden Delicious, but overall, I'm really an apple slut.

As long as it's tart-sweet and crispy and juicy, I'm easy - haha!

I've never tried a Pink Lady or Honey Crisp though. Do you have to get them at an upscale grocery store like Whole Foods?

Susan L.G.

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