What's Your Least Favorite Household Chores

dusting...definitely. I very seldom buy any kinda knick-knacks 'cause all I think is...'I'll have to dust this'. Laaaazy!:)

I like to wash and fold clothes, just not put them away.
I don't like to vacuum, but love a clean floor so much I tell myself I like to vacuum. I have a cockatiel. 'Nuff said :)
Also another laundry hater. And for me, too, it's the folding and putting away. I hate it so much that I have convinced my husband to do his own and one of our 3 kids laundry. But still, doing mine and 2 other kids just stinks!!!}(

Bathrooms by far! although after I have cleaned them they look so nice that I want to keep up with it but absolutely hate showers and toilets!

of course laundry is a close second, the folding and putting away part that is!!
I'll clean anything inside as long as I don't have to do dreaded YARDWORK! I hate pulling weeds, picking up pine cones, raking or generally anything besides planting (in pots) and watering flowers. If I have to pick an inside chore I could do without that would be the kitchen and bathrooms.
I do not mind any of the chores listed washing dishes ok, bathroom ok, ironing ok, washing great, I will even do yard work but I am the only one who cleans up after my golden retriever Co Co and when I leave it for a week or gasp a month gross.x( x( x(
Annette Bethel

I hate housework period!! UGH! I much rather sleep, read, workout, eBay and chat with others (y'all are so good at this) instead of doing housework. Suffice it to say, I do clean it spurts, around that TOM. Dave said, "the only time the house looked spic and span is when I was pregant." He, being, a Marine, has just accepted some messiness. But I do and try to have the house 1/2 way presentable. Even though the spider webs add a nice touch :D. Always being prepared for Halloween (LOL).
But now the house needs serious painting, waiting on the tile to be installed in the kitchen (which is in the garage) and repair the hole in my den ceiling (from the water leak during Christmas) sigh.
Oh well,the bright side of all this, is I ignore it all and go upstairs and workout!
LAUNDRY!!! It's not the washing that bothers me so much as the folding and putting away. Ugh. It's such a chore and takes everything I have to get it done.

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