What's your favorite fruit?

Has anyone had concord grapes? They are hands down my favorite fruit. You can only get them in the fall, though. I buy them by the quart and eat about one a day until they are gone. Yum Yum!
Has anyone had concord grapes? They are hands down my favorite fruit. You can only get them in the fall, though. I buy them by the quart and eat about one a day until they are gone. Yum Yum!
Instead of flowers on my desk, I have a fruit bowl. Right now it has bananas, plums, pears, apples, and an orange.

I pretty much love most fruits. LOVE Berries...black, straw, rasp, blue...any of 'em. Pineapple---yum! Tangerines, oranges, ruby red grapefruit. Grapes!!!!

I guess if I had to pick, tomatoes would be my absolute fave, since they're technically a fruit. BUT, only during the months of July, August, and the early part of September. I HATE hot house tomatoes. Those little grape ones are good, though. Now I want a tomato sandwich and a tomato tart and an Insalata Caprese...maybe I didn't eat enough lunch.....:9
Instead of flowers on my desk, I have a fruit bowl. Right now it has bananas, plums, pears, apples, and an orange.

I pretty much love most fruits. LOVE Berries...black, straw, rasp, blue...any of 'em. Pineapple---yum! Tangerines, oranges, ruby red grapefruit. Grapes!!!!

I guess if I had to pick, tomatoes would be my absolute fave, since they're technically a fruit. BUT, only during the months of July, August, and the early part of September. I HATE hot house tomatoes. Those little grape ones are good, though. Now I want a tomato sandwich and a tomato tart and an Insalata Caprese...maybe I didn't eat enough lunch.....:9
Another non-discriminatory fruit eater.....except mangoes! I love mango juice/flavor, I just do fresh mangoes. I think that it has something to do with texture. Other than that, any and all fruit is fair game in my book!!

I LOVE Gala and Fuji apples and have at least 1-2 a day! I also have at least one serving of prunes a day!

Oh, I LOVE Caprese salad!!!!:9
Another non-discriminatory fruit eater.....except mangoes! I love mango juice/flavor, I just do fresh mangoes. I think that it has something to do with texture. Other than that, any and all fruit is fair game in my book!!

I LOVE Gala and Fuji apples and have at least 1-2 a day! I also have at least one serving of prunes a day!

Oh, I LOVE Caprese salad!!!!:9
I like so many, but I prefer the red fruits: watermelon, berries, plums. I also LOVE mangos (they do have a slight red blush to them when ripe!).

I also like to mix blueberries, strawberries and mangos with some vanilla soy pudding.

I actually haven't met many fruits I didn't like.
I like so many, but I prefer the red fruits: watermelon, berries, plums. I also LOVE mangos (they do have a slight red blush to them when ripe!).

I also like to mix blueberries, strawberries and mangos with some vanilla soy pudding.

I actually haven't met many fruits I didn't like.
Huckleberries! :) I only get them once a year when I hike in the mountains of North Idaho (yearly vacation) - they only grow wild at higher altitudes. I usually bring back several jars full of them and freeze them for Huckleberry pancakes. :) They blow blueberries out of the water IMHO! And you have to earn them! DH and I brave Grizzly bear habitat and hike for hours looking for the "perfect spot" to pick. Somehow, working so hard for them makes them taste that much better.
Huckleberries! :) I only get them once a year when I hike in the mountains of North Idaho (yearly vacation) - they only grow wild at higher altitudes. I usually bring back several jars full of them and freeze them for Huckleberry pancakes. :) They blow blueberries out of the water IMHO! And you have to earn them! DH and I brave Grizzly bear habitat and hike for hours looking for the "perfect spot" to pick. Somehow, working so hard for them makes them taste that much better.
Granny Smith apples, but then again I think I only like about 4 fruits total....don't like any melons, tropical fruits or citrus. Yeah, I'm picky.
Granny Smith apples, but then again I think I only like about 4 fruits total....don't like any melons, tropical fruits or citrus. Yeah, I'm picky.

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