What's your daily menu like?


I'm curious what every eats on a regular basis. I am assuming that everyone eats more or less the same thing regularly with proabably dinner changing most nites. I'm looking for ideas!
On a "good" day, this is what I eat:

Pre workout: 1/4 cup orange juice diluted with water, one slice whole grain bread (thanks, Maribeth, this really enhances my workouts).

Post workout: If weight training day, protein shake (Myoplex Lite with no sugar added frozen fruit). If cardio day, oatmeal with skim milk and a handful of raisins or half banana.

Lunch: any one of the following:

--low fat or nonfat cottage cheese with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of chopped walnuts or pecans
--sandwich on whole grain bread. This can be as simple as natural peanut butter and no sugar jelly or as creative as leftover meatloaf, leftover turkey breast, tuna with a small amount of mayo, etc. Any good protein source is fine with me.
--salad and chunks of roast chicken or turkey, hard boiled egg and a few cubes of reduced fat cheese, whatever I have on hand. (I generally cook a large turkey breast each week and use it for lunches.) I usually use a dot of olive oil and red wine vinegar for dressing.

Snack: half a protein bar or a piece of fruit and string cheese.

Dinner: A Healthy Choice meal. I get home from work about 8:30 at night and am usually too tired to prepare anything that takes more time than this. I sometimes have a Healthy Choice soup instead or a homemade soup I take out of the freezer in the morning.

Of course, this is an ideal day. Unfortunatly, sometimes I don't always make it through the day without some sort of junk. My worst time is late in the evening, coming home from work and just mindlessly munching on cookies. I wish I did not have to keep this stuff around the house but my husband, who has no weight issues, wants his goodies on hand and often his cookies will cry out for my attention when I pass the pantry. I wish they would just shut up.

Hmmm -- you had to ask. OK, be prepared for something horrifying:

(Keep in mind, I live alone)

First thing (4 a.m.): Coffee!!!! A few grapes.

Then I workout and take my breakfast to work.

Breakfast Monday-Thursday: High fibre cereal (3/4 cup Fibre 1st), 1/4 Raisin bran & Kashi Go Lean, fresh blueberries, one tablespoon fresh ground flaxseed).

Breakfast Friday: Healthfood store low-fat muffin

Snack: An apple or orange, flavoured coffee (Chocolate Macdamian Nut - delicious!)

Lunch: Mega salad or some kinda pre-packaged bean soup (black, kidney, lentils)

Pre-dinner snacks: Hot cocoa (skim milk) and cat hair. (Note to self: Stop kissing the cats!)

1st course (every night):
Lots of steamed cauliflower, baby carrots, brocoli, bean sprouts, mushrooms with scads of salsa sauce, ketchup, and President's Choice Santa Fe sauce. (It becomes something like ratatouie -- don'cha just love all the things you can make with ketchup?)

2nd course (varies):
One egg, plus oatmeal with prunes, raisins and blueberries
A repeat of breakfast (love, love, love cereal!!!!)
Breast of chicken
Popcorn (usually on Friday night)

Dessert: Apple and De-caf cappucino made with skim milk. (The cappucino helps me sleep)

That's about it! I tend to eat more variety on weekend nights. Gotta have licorice and a Coffee Time corn muffin -- high in fat, but worth it! (I don't usually eat lunch on Saturday and Sunday -- just fruit for a snack.)

Geez, I'm embarassed after reading others healthy meals! This is an okay day for me (sometimes worse if I get fast food at lunch)

am- Starbucks hot choc w/skim milk
bagel w/ 1 butter pat (one of those big hubcap-size bagels!)

lunch- PB&J on whole wheat
carrot sticks

snack- 1/2 bag of M&Ms
some chips
small glass of Pepsi

dinner- grilled chicken tenders
mashed potatoes (homemade)

snack- bag of Homestyle popcorn

I'm 24, so I'm sure I'll have to cut some of the junk out- mine as well eat it when I can :) I'm jealous of all you healthy eaters though.
I'm kind of fanatical 6 days of the week but day 7 is a free day or meal. Days 1-6:

I eat every 2-3 hours; 6 times a day
1. Oatmeal and cottage cheese
2. Chicken, 1/2 baked potato salad with veggies and flax dressing
3. Egg white/protein powder crepe with fruit (usually berries on top) or Egg white omelet with brown rice and veggies
4. Chicken or lean steak with 1/4 cup beans and 1/4 cup brown rice
5. Protein shake, cream of rice/wheat
6. Cottage cheese blended with sweet potato or with fruit

And at least 64 ounces of water..day 7...it's a freebie :)


You MUST be on Body Rx!!! Yuck! Well, if you don't care for protein:)

I eat so many different things it would be hard to list here. Every morning I drink my cottage cheese shake but the rest of my meals are pretty varied. I am SO HONORED to finally get to see Marlene's diet. I asked for it in another post but I think it got lost. Thanks!!!

Wow! I can't believe the variety of meals here! I can't seem to stick with any sortof "plan".....counting calories doesnt work, high protein doesnt work, WW didnt work.....so now I'm kinda jus tgoing with the flow and somewhat consciously choosing heahtly foods (although I cant remember a time when I DIDNT eat mostly healthy foods). I know I need to eat more veggiesbut frankly, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

so keep bringing on the menus! This is fun!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-02 AT 08:48AM (Est)[/font][p]OK, Patricia.....

How in the world do you get motivated to get up at 4 am to workout???

How do you do it? I sure wish I could, that way it would be over for the day and I'd be energized to go for the day!

WOW, any tips??

:) Marcia.
Hi Cbelle! I'm doing BodyRX so I need to take in 110 grams of protein, 220 grams of carbs and 30 grams of fiber a day for 6 weeks. Here's a sample of what I eat:

Meal 1: Egg Beater omelet w/low-fat Cheddar cheese and 2 slices of Ezekiel bread w/no sugar jelly and 1/2 banana

Meal 2: 1/2 c cottage cheese w/pineapple

Meal 3: large mixed green salad w/veggies (broccoli, carrots, red cabbage & orange peppers) and cherry tomatoes w/oil & vinagrette dressing w/whole wheat small roll & chicken

Meal 4: protein bar & apple

Meal 5: london broil beef stir-fry w/veggies w/brown rice. I leave the sauce on the side

Meal 6: protein shake - this is taken after my evening workout which usually ends at 8:30 or 9:00 depending on what I'm doing.

Then finally REST!!

There it is, Kathy

3 days a week I go to the gym and lift weights, and I have 2 slice of peanut butter toast (1 tbsp. peanut butter) before I go to the gym, and a cup of Folger's Caffe Latte Skinny Vanilla Vibe. I don't eat if I do cardio first thing in the a.m

Breakfast: 1 1/2 cups Uncle Sam's cereal with skim milk; or 1/2 cup (dry) oat bran with one tbsp. sugar free strawberry preserves, and 6 egg whites scrambled with hot sauce.

Snack: Low fat string cheese, if needed. Usually I don't snack.

Lunch: spinach salad with hard boiled egg white, cucumber, broccoli, diced ham, onion, reduced fat shredded cheese, and a couple green olives with fat free dressing, or turkey on whole wheat with a side salad, or tuna on whole wheat. Or leftovers. But I always have a grapefruit or orange for dessert!

Snack: Zone Perfect Bar

Dinner: Basically I have salmon, shrimp, chicken, or beef made from a Cooking Light recipe with vegetables, and I usually don't have complex carbs with dinner, except for the nights I teach step or kickboxing (2x a week), and about once a month I will have pasta. It may sound extreme, but I look best when I eat this way.

On the weekends I am more relaxed about my dinner. I have one "cheat day", usually Saturday, but I often eat poorly on Friday nights.

Kathy - that is a perfect eating! I bet you get good results with it.

An ideal day for me is

Breakfast - egg whites cooked with mushrooms and salsa with 2 slices of hi-bran ezekiel bread and a small slice of cantaloupe; ; or wholegrains cooked with skim milk and berries. (I need a very heavy breakfast)

Lunch- bulgur wheat-tofu salad; or a fat free tofu hot dog in an ezekiel bun with mustard, relish, red onions etc and a salad; or spiced indian flat bread (I make it with soy flour) with a lentil and veggie curry; or some lasagna ( I use whole wheat pasta, veggies and fat free soy protein isolate).

Dinner - steamed veggies dressed with yogurt and lots of spices and a morning star burger; or an egg beaters omelette with lots of veggies.

Snacks - nonfat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit (I add some splenda and vanilla to this); or hi-fiber cereals like fiber one or kashi with skim milk or cottage cheese; or sprouted beans, boiled and dressed with fresh lime juice, paprika and salt.

Its hard to list what I eat as I vary my meals a lot. The only meal that I don't get adventurous with is dinner - I try to do some form of low fat protein and veggies! On bad days I end up eating breakfast cereal with that (I am such a carb addict!) Oh and I eat something wicked almost every day (a cookie, some ice-cream or dark chocolate) and on weekends I eat anything I like but in much smaller portions than healthy stuff.
zone perfect bars are the BEST! I try to eat one every afternoon myself.

When you guys say you have a little food preworkout and then "breakfast" post workout, exactly when are your workouts? I work out at about 830am after taking the kids to school...I'm up at 630am...should I hold off on my regular breakfast til after the workout?
> You MUST be
>on Body Rx!!! Yuck! Well,
>if you don't care for

Close...I'm doing BFL. And yes, if you don't like protein, it's hard to follow :) It took me a long time to figure out how I could eat protein and actually like it, not gag it down. But I've been doing a simlar way of eating (various plans) since about 1995 and have built up a good recipe collection.

does anyone here do diets going by there blood type?
i was curious to know if it really works ?like for me i am blood type o so there is so much that i am not supposed to eat because it holds weight.also what is ezekiel bread?
When I go to the gym in the mornings I get up at 5:30 and go straight there, then eat my cereal on the way to work at 8:15.
If I were you, I would definitely eat at 6:30 or 7, but that is because I am starving when I wake up in the morning and would never make it through my workout! If you eat before you may find you have more energy for your workouts.

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