What's your avg. cardio time?

Decrease in Metabolism

Here's an excerpt from an article on the web dealing with this subject:

This decrease is due (for a great part) to the decrease in muscle tissue that
accompanies aging. If a person loses muscle mass, but continues to eat at
the same rate as before, the food will be converted into fat tissue. Fat
tissue has a much lower metabolic rate than muscle tissue, so the person's
body weight may not change (the loss of muscle mass is offset by the
increase in fat mass) but the person's metabolic rate may be lower than
expected for that weight.

The lack of estrogen in post-menopausal women leads to a decrease in
metabolic rate through two mechanisms. The first is a decrease in RMR:
women develop an increase in abdominal fat mass, and a decrease in
muscle mass (the "matronly figure"), which leads to a decrease in RMR.
The second mechanism is a decrease in energy expenditure in physical
activity. Estrogen replacement therapy can counteract these changes,
especially if started early in the menopausal process.

As people become older they may voluntarily or involuntarily decrease
their physical activity, because they may have problems with their
circulation, their equilibrium, muscle movement, or with their ability to
think and plan.

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
RE: Decrease in Metabolism

This is a link to an article regarding HRT.

I think the important thing here is that you ladies are living a fit lifestyle which will help all of us age well and go into our old lady years as strong healthy examples of what life can be like if you take care of yourself.
Disease may affect some of us in spite of our lifestyle, it's true, so live life fully. Treat your body like the temple it is and laugh and love as much as you can!

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
RE: Decrease in Metabolism

Hear Hear Bobbi!!!

Great article and reference! Thanks for the info.
I agree whole-heartedly with you re: exercise, bones, estrogen et al....one of the main reasons I exercise and weight train is for bone strength and collateral(ligaments and tendons) strength and support as I enter my second half of life. Not to mention the benefits cardiovascularly, plus preventative measures to fend off insulin resistance and diabetes. I work all the time at eating "clean", but having a carb-lovers appetite, it's tough sometimes to fend off the cravings for bread and certain sweets. Believe it or not, I could live the rest of my life and not eat cookies or candy. But to give up bread and rolls and cakes? AHHHHH!!!! Makes me want to run screaming to the closest bakery! LOL
Lynn Finn
I hear you, Lynn!

I am salivating merely thinking about the carbs you mentioned! Overall, my diet squeaks, it's so clean, but I always leave room for a crispy, chewy baguette or a piece of chocolate cake with tons of frosting! Mmmmm, mmmmmm mmmm! :)

Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
Awww Kim!!

THANK YOU sooo much. How nice of you!!! You made my day! I love coming here because there are so many great people.(YOU included!) I know I can always count on a laugh, some real witty writings or even just learning something to make me more educated. I have learned a wealth of info here and I have been in this type of business for 20 years. Last but not least, my LOVE of Cathe tapes. I don't know what I did before I found her for my home workouts. I know I was bored silly. Again, thank you so much for your kind words. They meant so much!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: the top of the hips and across the belly

Dear Kim and Lynn,
Yes, I'm getting older. I hit 37 soon. Not 40 yet, but getting there. I've noticed some major changes in what it takes to get the look I'm striving to achieve. I do MORE clean eating, lots of high intensity cardio and weightlifting. My husband and friends assure me that I'm doing an incredible job with my fitness and diet. They think I look great. But, like you Kim, I now notice just a little bit of extra fat hanging around my belly button (and it seems to love to coagulate around my old appendix scar) and the tops of my outer thighs. I'm like you with really good looking, strong legs and arms. I do have big boobs, though. I figure if I whacked them off, I'd immediately be at my desired body weight!

And Lynn, from one Marilyn type to another..."Happy birthday...Mrs. Menopause..." Oh, well, it's better than the alternative, right?

Have a great weekend, you guys! Gotta get out and get in a run, Bobbi!
RE: the top of the hips and across the belly

Oh, to be described as a Marilyn! I am both boobless and buttless but I have a spare tire around the middle I workout endlessly to lose! In fact, over the last year I dropped 10 pounds and my butt got smaller before my belly did! It's just not fair!

But I am healthy and strong and I aim to be one of the 80+ ladies I see at the local road races, God willing!

I saw Cher interviewed last night and when asked if there was anything good about aging she said no! She's grasping at youth like it's the Holy Grail! Well, she's foolish, I think. I turned 39 in December and I am at the height of my powers, at my sexual peak and in the best shape of my life. I can't bother to be neurotic about inconsequential things and I am in love with life!

Since all my life it has only gotten better and better, I intend to make my golden years best! When I die, I will know that I have lived well and loved much and given it my all!
Bobbi http://www.plauder-smilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks Rule!
RE: the top of the hips and across the belly

ROFLMAO....I can just see this. Very funny, Amy. Thanks for a good laugh on a Friday morning (with BIG BIG snow in the forecast for the Chicago area....hmmmm, makes for quite a weekend, eh? Good excuse to do a Cathe video instead of schlepping to the gym)
Hugs, Lynn Finn (aka Mrs. Menopause)

<<And Lynn, from one Marilyn type to another..."Happy birthday...Mrs. Menopause..." Oh, well, it's better than the alternative, right?>>
RE: the top of the hips and across the belly

I hope you know I'm just teasing. We Marilyns have to stick together.
And as for snow, I'm jealous. We've had hardly any. We love to XC ski. We're headed to Banff in two weeks just so we can enjoy some snow!
Have a nice, cozy, snowed-in weekend. Cuddle up to someone warm.
RE: Heading to Banff myself at the end of March

Hi Amysue

I have not skiied downhill since a year or so before I had kids, which makes it about 13 years now. My date and I are heading out that way at the end of March. Can't wait!

I had better not hurt myself skiing or I will be one pissed puppy.

Take care.

RE: Heading to Banff myself at the end of March

You're a braver soul than I. Careening down steep surfaces at high rates of speed just scares living daylights out of me. Now, give me a mountain, some rock walls, even ice walls, and I'm fine. But downhill skiing? Forget about it.
But, please do be careful. I have a friend who tore ligaments on both sides of her knee in a downhill crash. That was a year ago and several surgeries ago and she's just now back to exercising at the gym. She's still afraid to try running again.
So, don't let anyone talk you into skiing something you're not comfortable with. If it gets to be too much, just head back to the lodge, have a hot toddy, sit in the hot tub and enjoy yourself!!!!!!
RE: I hear you, Lynn!

When I first read your post I thought it said, "I always leave my room for a crispy, chewy baguette..." and I pictued someone trembling under the covers of their bed, grasping their knees and rocking, murmuring in a low tone, "Must go to the kitchen, there are starchy carbs out there. Must go to the kitchen, there are starchy carbs out there!" LOL!
RE: Hi again Amy

While I have downhill skiied a fair bit, I only do beginner and mostly intermediate runs and I despise moguls. I am definitely only an intermediate skiier at best. My date, however, is more so a beginner and so I don't think we will be taking any really horrendous runs but really just going to enjoy Sunshine and casual fun skiing, not to mention a BREAK from kids. :)

RE: Hi again Amy

Great! Have a wonderful time. And I'm supposing (after reading the brag board) that you'll be the hottest little ski bunny in a turtleneck there!
RE: the top of the hips and across the belly

That sexual peak that you get in your mid-30's is pretty darn nice, huh? HeeHee.


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