What's with the TIMING of commercials?


OK....we're not big TV watchers (although I am a closet Biggest Loser and Survivor junkie). But my kids, when they do sit to watch something it's usually ESPN (my older DS, 11, LOVES his sports) or TBS (Home Improvement re-runs), etc. Things that you would think are HARMLESS, right?


The shows themselves are fine, it's the commercials that slay me.

My older DS has gotten an indirect education on Male Enhancement with Viagra and Enzyte's Smiling Bob (which, for the record, are funny to SO and me in secret), female birth control with the Nuva Ring and Plan B the morning after pill; female hygeine with Tampax sports and Always products.

Everytime it comes on, I try to divert his attention. I don't have a problem with answering his questions, but to have this stuff right there in his face during a show that SHOULD be completely innocent. I can understand the commercials during the ESPN shows, since mostly adult men watch them, but these other channels (and that would include TBS, Nickelodeon, Nick at Night and standard cable channels like CBS, ABC, NBC)????

Is it just me?

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Lol, no it isn't just you! I HATE all of those commercials! There's nothing like being in a big group watching a game and having a feminine "itch" product commercial come on to blow the atmosphere. I sometimes think the advertisers don't use their noggin when choosing what time periods and during what programs to show certain ads.
I'm right there with you two. I think back when I was growing up (not too long ago :p) and there wasn't anything close to these types of commercials. I just cringe when they come on because I know the questions are soon to follow from DS.

this is EXACTLY why we dont own a tv:)

we think of tv like the garbage can:
sure there are some goodthings on tv, but most of it is garbage.
in our garbage can sometimes good things are in there, but im certainly not going to go fishing thru the bad stuff to find the good.

and honestly after chasing 3 kids all day i have to make time to even brush my teeth. :p i dont know when i even would have time to watch tv!

and PLEASE i'm not trying to pass judgment on those who watch tv....
this is just what works for our family
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ITA!! I hate those commercials:mad:

That is why I love my DVR. I can fast forward thru commercials on recordings or pause live tv and wait a minute or two then hit the "live" button to watch the show.

I'm jealous!!!!

I have like 4,000 kids movies because I never let my kids watch TV before very recently. They only watch PBS and Nick Jr. But I regret even allowing that. My DH and I have talked about NO TV and we might be headed back in that direction. My boys are in bed at 7:30 so I don;t really have to worry about adult programming, but that won't last forever.

And I think I would pass out if a feminine itch product was on and my 7 yr old asked me what it was!!!!!!!!

Kate-good for you!! Seriously, what a great thing to say that you don't own a TV. If it were just me, I'd not have one either. I fell into the Sesame Street phase when my first DS was born and we've had TVs ever since (didn't really use/own when before the kiddos were born).

SO and I try REALLY really hard NOT to laugh during those Smiling Bob commercials for Enzyte. lol I just know if they see us snicker, the questions will start! :)

We rarely watch TV, but my 10 yo watches some baseball games and I swear they think the only people watching the games are middle aged men with trouble urinating!
You wouldn't believe the number of friends my kids have who all have TVs in THEIR BEDROOMS! And my kids are only 8 and 11. In your room???? No way! My kids can ask and beg all they want (fortunately, they don't), but they will NOT have TV in their room in the foreseeable future! And don't get me started on 2nd graders with cell phones and these big iPods.

Personally, I hate and have no tolerance for almost all of commercials. I rarely ever watch TV live, but tape or rely on TiVo so that I can fast forward through commercials. The time that I do watch live TV, I generally do Ab work during the commercials. I have developed quite a six pack from this practice.

Since we pay for cable TV I do not see why we must endure commercials on cable Tv stations.

This is why I use the DVR also and FF through all the commercials... My mom quit watching TV all together because of commercials and lack of "uplifting" programming... they are irritating! Especially Smilin' Bob! UGH!!!
Who the heck is smilin' Bob???

Yeah, no TV's in rooms here either, or Ipods ( my kids don't even know any songs other than things we play on the piano) cell phones are just ridiculous for a kid and what the heck is the difference between text message and email????? And my kids (5 and 7) wouldn't have anybody to call!!!!
Who the heck is smilin' Bob???

Yeah, no TV's in rooms here either, or Ipods ( my kids don't even know any songs other than things we play on the piano) cell phones are just ridiculous for a kid and what the heck is the difference between text message and email????? And my kids (5 and 7) wouldn't have anybody to call!!!!

LOL!!! Ellie, I'll tell you after I quit laughing!

Ok, pulling it together... Smilin' Bob is a very 'pleased' customer of Enzyte (male enhansement suppliment) and the commercials are SO annoying... Therefore, he is Always smilin'!
We're pretty low tech here and won't even get any TV when the switch happens next month, but when the 10 yo watches TV we have a big towel on top and he flips it down to cover the commercials, so he can hear them, but not see them. We started it when he was younger and it's just automatic for him now.

It's taken mine the longest time to really grasp how regular TV works. Since they only watched videos for the longest time, they would watch something on TV and want to rewind and watch again and commercials really irritated them because they just wanted their show to come back. LOL
ITA! I am waiting for DS7 to ask me what ED is. I'm not sure I'm ready to explain that one. My 43 yr old brother still blushes when the "feminine" commercials come on. I wonder what he does w/ his wife a week out of the month? I was at WalMart yest w/ DS and had to get tampons, and he asked me what they were for. He said he knew they were mine, but not sure what they were for. I told him it wasn't the time to talk about it, and he hasn't asked since. I know I need to explain if he asks me again at an appropriate time/place, but I'm not ready!!!! WAH!!!!

My daughter was in the car with her dad when she was 8 years old and the big "O" word came up on the radio (and I don't mean Oprah). She asked DH what it was and he didn't have a clue what to tell her. Finally he told her to ask me. Luckily by the time they got home she forgot about it. Although he never did, LOL.
My daughter was in the car with her dad when she was 8 years old and the big "O" word came up on the radio (and I don't mean Oprah). She asked DH what it was and he didn't have a clue what to tell her. Finally he told her to ask me. Luckily by the time they got home she forgot about it. Although he never did, LOL.


I don't have kids, but I could do without these commercials as well.
We pretty much stopped watching TV about 8-9 years ago with a few exceptions for some sports and specials, and I must say that when I see regular TV now, compared to then it's really noticeable in the difference of the tone, language, etc. that are considered acceptable now.

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