<--- What's up with the boots on your feet?

<---is amazed at how history repeats itself and how people complain about a thread where other people chitchat and have fun and everyone is welcome to join in
<---says Oops!


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<-- thinks Debbie is a smart cookie
<-- wishes <-- had not just said "cookie" x(
<-- finished paper #2 just now
<-- has 5 minutes to print it out and then <-- has to go down to school!! :p
<-- is pleased to report the writing has gotten SO MUCH EASIER than it was last year
<-- sighs a big YAHOO!!
<---thinks Ame is a smartie herself ;)
<---says you guys are the bestest
<---also says, no discussions on here should alter how people eat, dress, blah blah blah unless YOU want them to :)
<---is so fried from PH it isn't even funny.
<---wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--- jumps in quickly to ask, "Did someone mention cookie?"
<--- is PMSing and wants cookies...
<--- jumps out to avoid the cookie monster...
<---just tracked Cathe package and found out the package is waiting for me on my doorstep
<---squeals with glee
<---can't wait to get home from work so Cathe can torture me in new and glorious ways


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<---jumps into thread w/coffee cup in hand and says Good Evening!!
<---survived trip to the dentist and proudly reports No Cavities!!:7 :7
<---promptly celebrated by digging into those Lindt chocolates that have been hanging around the house since xmas:9 :9 :9
<---tells Amy that DS#3's b'day is March 27th
<---can't wait to see the Ladies short program in ice skating tonight although <--- already peeked and knows the outcome
<---just got paged by the dryer
<---will be back later!
<-- got all the way into class before discovering <-- had no binder with papers in it!!!
<-- ran to the car, didn't see the binder there, called DH and whoops he found it UNDER THE DESK AT HOME
<-- is very grateful to DH who offered to drive the 50 mile round trip just so <-- could turn in the papers before the break
<-- handed them in at 3:55 instead of before class at 3:00
<-- is so bummed about that!!!
<-- is also bummed about a lot of things that <-- simply hasn't been paying attention to for several months
<-- doesn't know what's wrong with <--
<-- heard a terrible horrible awful story today from Dad, about his financial planner guy, and <-- has been really bummed ever since. Dad told <-- the financial guy was glad <-- and DH are finally getting to Hawaii, but the financial guy has had the worst few weeks <-- can imagine and it got <-- thinking on a downward spiral about <--'s FIL
<-- feels kinda guilty about going to Hawaii now and celebrating anything. ;(
<-- hears <--'s tummy actually growling in the middle of the super silent library :eek:
<-- is going to get started on the paper due the Monday after the break now
<-- can't wait for Tammy's DS's bday. Does he know his present??
<-- advises Tammy to not tell <-- anything that might allow <-- to figure out how to contact him directly :eek: <-- is SO EXCITED about his gift, <-- isn't sure <-- could keep it a secret!!!:eek: :7
<---tells Amy to please repeat the following out loud: "I deserve a vacation in Hawaii with my wonderful husband" ----100 times
<---tells Amy that the kitty will be a surprise
<---will start the search soon
<---thinks Amy is a riot
<---hopes Amy got something to eat
<-- didn't get anything to eat yet
<-- thanks Tammy for the reminder (not!!)
<-- is considering coming over to Tammy's house and looking for a kitten with her }(
<-- warns Tammy that if Tammy doesn't want more than one kitty, Tammy might want to kick <-- out as soon as <-- arrives }( :p
<-- is SO BUMMED classes start in 45 minutes.x( :-( ;(
<-- wants to know what this face is ;( . is he crying or something??
<-- doesn't understand that face. And why are there two winks and two smilies??
<-- thinks it would be better to have two }( s :7
<---says congratulations Kassia!!!
<---thinks that this guy ;( just peeled some onions
<---hopes Amy's class goes by really fast
<--survived rough day intact :)
<--had a craving for eggs today after reading this thread
<--wonders what Ame and Shell were bummed out about?
<--says Ame, please know that you deserve the vacation, and you better be happy on the vacation and have a good time, that's an order
<--says boss just got back from Hawaii and he went to the top of a volcano where the temperatures were in the minuses!
<--can't wait to curl up in bed...
<--says g'night all!
<---pops head into thread momentarily.
<---needs to get to bed SOON!
<---'s sore throat which turned into a head cold has now officially settled in <---'s chest!x( x( x(
<---feels like doggy-doo!;(
<---cough cough!
<--is SOO sorry that Tigger is feeling yucky
<--highly recommends Robitussin expectorant
<--is still sitting up snacking on popcorn and reading posts
<--really needs to get to bed
<---did someone say POPCORN!?
<---LOVES popcorn!:9
<---thanks Nancy for the med suggestion...will go to store tomorrow!:)
<---Unsure of the title rules for starting new thread today
<---continues to just post on this one for now
<---Enjoyed some Low Impact Step last night<---found it not so hard
<---tells Kristy...LOL..<---*Imagines another spinoff forum coming soon*!
<---Must be a corporate office worker today and talk to real people
<---Also means getting dressed in real clothes
<---Waves bye to all!
<---Happy Wed! Play nice and nobody get themselves banned!! :) :*

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