Whats this move called?


Hopefully I can describe it without confussing you to much, or its the move Cathe is doing in Core Max and the picture of its in Cathes 2005 calender/month November

Sit cross legged on the floor
Hands on the floor beside your body
Lift your whole self up with just your hands supporting you, so your body is at least 2 inches or more, by the looks of it, of the floor.

OMG! I have to say it again OMG!

I cant beleive I will ever have enough strength to do that, so for all you guys and gals who can, how did you do it?

I unfortunatly have A WHOLE LOT OF BACKSIDE to lift up....... let alone hold up

Hi Marion! If I remember right, I think Cathe called it "levitation". I am with you...can't budge my rear off the ground at ALL! My excuse is that my arms are too short! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I think of "the Genie move"...then I think..."as if"
Love your answer DebbieH....yep...my arms are to short too!!!
Yes I saw this move and had to try it. I don't see how she does it. Maybe there is a trick to it. Or we are going to get really strong. I do think the arms to short must be true. ;-)
Diane Sue
Im hoping that they all have invisable strings attached and are being hoised of the ground.

This move would be "another" reason (besides tons of others) where I could never ever be in one of her DVDs

Love the "too short arms" though. Gonna borrow that


either that or the bones in our lower bodies are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay heaviwer than the bones in our upper bodies, ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clare :7
Diane Sue,

If you can't do it, I don't feel nearly as ashamed. I had to try it, too, and I can't even imagine being able to do that.

I don't know what its called. But we used to do it as kids to pretend we were levitating and I can still do it..yeahhh.The trick is to spread your fingers and put all your weight on your fingers that way your weight is distributed. If you have long arms, you can use the palms of your hands to lift. Its not so much an exercise of strength rather its an example of physics.
If you are very, very flexible and can get yourself in the lotus position you will find this move about 90% easier. Trust me on this.
Yes, you must also be in the lotus position to do this. This exercise is all about weight distribution and not about strength.
OK how many of us were just down on the floor beside our computer doing this? LOL

I can do it! For a couple seconds. It's kind of fun to swing there! My hands hurt now! I have to try this again. I can see people in offices everywhere trying this today - I anticipate lots of fun at work! LOL

An example of Physics ah?

Its a shame the "F" I received in Physics didnt mean "Fantastic"

And for all who can do this move, Im soooooooo jealous

I need SOMETHING for my next party trick!

>If you are very, very flexible and can get yourself in the
>lotus position you will find this move about 90% easier. Trust
>me on this.

You are absolutely right!!! I used to be able to do this easily and had some trouble just now trying it again, but I forgot about lotus position.

Yep, about 90% easier!
My stinky dh can do that move x( . I can't stand him. Not only can he do it, he can flip backwards x( x( x( . Darn that man of mine. Well I guess it's because his years of martial arts and boxing?

Hey ya'll,
The secret of doing this move is not in the arms (although it does take some strength). When doing it don't think of lifting yourself up by your arm strength. Just make your arms firm and steady then tighten the pelvic floor muscles and draw the lower belly in and up. Then just "think" lift...and up you will go.

p.s. if you can't get in the lotus position (as it is easiest that way) just cross your lower leg underneath you....you can still do it.

Seriously, it is more mental than anything else
Tried it again and STILL can't do it. Guess my arms didn't grow any longer since yesterday!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I just saw the pic of that move and ***gasp*** :eek:. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to do that move LOL. I was getting worried Cathe saw the push hoppy things that the trainer from the Biggest Loser told Gary to do, but those are nothing compared to this! This takes me back to yoga when I had to modify the crow pose with one leg on the floor. For anybody who doesn't know the crow see this http://www.sivananda.org/teachings/asana/crow.html LOL I just hope Cathe doesn't get any ideas. Have a nice weekend girls!
This move is also in a Yoga abs workout by Sara Ivahoe that I tried last night. I think my arms are too short in relation to my trunk! I did find out, though that (if they were a wee bit longer), it would be easier for me to do if my hands weren't pointing forward, but were spayed and pointed to the sides.
I remember this in my yoga class as well. We incorporated a v-sit before this lotus pose, and I have to tell you that you've really have to engage your abs or else you'll just collapse. I have short arms too so I brace myself on my fingers with my palms up like they do in the pic to give just a little more height. Any way you do it, it's a tough move!

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