What's the MOST insensitive remark you've heard?

RE: Co-worker food police

I can empathize with coworkers making comments. I take it on the chin--on almost a daily basis--for my healthy diet. They practically interrogate me---"why do you eat so healthy? what are you eating now? why do you exercise?" The fact that I eat wheat germ on cottage cheese makes them grimace. Why do people care? I don't comment when I see them stuffing themselves with donuts, pizza, and candy. Not surprisingly, it's mostly the FEMALES who have to say something. There's a 25 year-old (I'm 39) who monitors everything I put in my mouth and gets annoyed when I won't eat junk food with the others. They'd better watch out because between Cathe and PowerStrike, I'm getting pretty darn strong!!! I might be tempted to give one of them a big old Front Push kick right in their kisser! haha.
Well I made the opposite mistake. My older brother came to visit and had lost a bunch of weight. I didn't say anything because I don't believe comments on a person's body shape or size are appropriate. I did say "you look great!" (That's as specific as I get).

Well, he got all upset with me because I didn't say anything. I still say that someone's body shape and what they eat is their business, not mine, and I'm really not interested in anyone's appearance but my own and maybe my DH.
RE: a few from my mother

Oh Kim,

I don't have a mother like that but I feel for you. My mother doesn't make comments about my weight, but she can about everything else. It's bad when the person who should love you and support you above all others continuously puts you down.

Unfortunately, families are like that but you learn to realise that what their opinions don't really matter. I think with people you are close to, they (and you) don't feel that they have to exercise caution and self control - it's just becomes a habit that they say the first thing that comes to their mind.

I do feel in this case that your mother is a little envious of your slim figure because her remarks are directed at that. If you don't like then tell her, or learn to brush it aside with a wave of the hand.


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