What's the Habit You're Proudest of Breaking?

Smoking,quit about seven years ago, cold turkey! BTW Why do they call it Cold Turkey? Why not Cold Chicken:p,LOL!

I agree....Angela Bassett!
quit smoking/drinking/over-eating processed foods. the smoking and drinking were at the same exact time so i was a joy to live with LOL.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

>The habit i'm most proud of breaking is by far quitting
>smoking. I never thought I would be able to do it, but after 5
>tries i've finally done it! I made 4 years this year. It's
>amazing how I can still crave it, but there's no going back
4years here too. i tried several time then one day just stopped.wheni moved out of my mom's again i didn't crave it as much and now i do not get cravings, and actually the smell makes me sick. my in-laws sometime blow it in my face(un-intentionally) and it makes me want to puke.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

list of top 5:
3)smoking...you get the point. i went cold turkey and i must say that my motivation to never go back WAS because i NEVER wanted to quit again!! that was 7years ago (6/29/00) and today i just hate the smell of it
Switching from regular colas to diet. No, I will never give up my diet colas, nor my coffee, not until you pry them from my cold, dead-but-still-twitching-from-caffeine hands.
Smoking here too. I quit on December 16, 1996. I had tried many times before that, but on that day I was ready. Having pneumonia made it easy. :p I went to the doc and he said "if you didn't smoke, you wouldn't have pneumonia". I don't know if that was true or not, but it was all I needed to hear. I haven't had pneumonia since.
>For those who have quit smoking, was it a cold-turkey thing
>or did you have some sort of aid (i.e., gum or the patch)?
>I ask because the catalyst for this original question came
>from my best friend's struggle to quit smoking...by far her
>worst habit of all.
My doctor prescribed zyban
Another ex-smoker here too. It was by far the hardest thing I've ever done but so happy that I did, it's been about 3 years for me. I was in flight from CA back to IL hungover & throat killing me from smoking so much while drinking that I decided right then I'd quit & I did. For a while if I really needed one I would allow it b/c I could just smoke one & not need another for a few months so I maybe had 4/year for the first 2 years but it has now been 1 year without having one & I can actualy say the craving for one is pretty much gone but it is hard to do. The thing that keeps me from going back is smelling like sh*t & the fact that I couldn't do cardio like I can now because my lungs were horrible & I love working out too much to go back.

Rose- I hope your friend is able to quit. Not sure if my way would work but might be helpful- since I "told" myself that if I wanted one I could have one it seemed easier for me but a lot of people can't stop at one so not sure. I hope she finds a way!
Smoking - I was pretty much just a social smoker, but it was still extrememly hard to give it up while having drinks on the weekend. So, I quit having drinks too for a year or so until I felt I could actually have a drink without a smoke. Now I can! It has been 5 years but there's times when I'm still tempted.....but never again. I gave it up so I could buy a life insurance policy for my kids. I couldn't afford a policy for a smoker and I wanted to make sure the kids would be financially set if something ever happened to me and DH. Kids can make you do things you never thought you were strong enough to do.:)

Smoking-stopped 19 years ago
alcohol (beer) 23 years ago

I'm proud of both of them. My dau-in-law said if her mother-in-law could quit then anybody could quit :D .

It's funny because when somebody lights a cigerette I want one and then it just fades away and I don't even notice when they put it out or light another one.

Quitting smoking is the hardest drug of all to get off or so I was told and I believe it.

Drinking alcohol. I quit drinking almost 20 years ago (07/20/87 was my first day of sobriety) and it truly saved my life. (Never was addicted / dependent to any other mood-altering drugs so NOT doing those was/is pretty easy.)

Am working on the smoking thing. With the help of the Nicotrol inhaler and a bit of willpower, I'm down to 1 to 1.5 butts per day.

>For those who have quit smoking, was it a cold-turkey thing
>or did you have some sort of aid (i.e., gum or the patch)?
>I ask because the catalyst for this original question came
>from my best friend's struggle to quit smoking...by far her
>worst habit of all.

The first four times I tried the patch and the gum. Neither worked. I just had to be honest with myself. I came to the point where I knew I had to be ready to quit, because nothing was going to help me out. I believe if you are really ready to quit anything will help, even doing it cold turkey. You can't trick that powerful brain! I hope this make sense - I have a hard time explaining myself.

Teddygirl - that is my husband with the pretty eyes. I'm gonna have to tell him you said that! It will make his day! :7

>For those who have quit smoking, was it a cold-turkey thing
>or did you have some sort of aid (i.e., gum or the patch)?
>I ask because the catalyst for this original question came
>from my best friend's struggle to quit smoking...by far her
>worst habit of all.
A doctor once told me that many smokers are actually self-medicating for depression, because nicotine has anti-depressant effects. Another doctor told me that nicotine is a "very effective" anti-depressant. Both doctors said that anti-depressant medication can substantially increase the likelihood of success.

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