I am fuming! My other niece who is 18 just called me and told me she babysat for a friend of her mother's, who is my sister, for 4 hours and cooked dinner. They gave her money folded up so she didn't look at it until after she left. IT WAS $20! I told her that she MUST say something to them before babysitting again. She called her mother immediately afterwards and my sister agreed it was a little low but said to her, "you didn't have anything better to do anyway." Apparently these people have been throwing out the idea of having my 2 nieces babysit throughout the summer. My niece and her father both said not for that price. My brilliant sister said that she is not to say anything to them about the price. I told my niece to have her father be in on the conversation when she talks to her mother about this. I don't care if it's your friend or not, these kids should be getting paid what they're worth. My sister should be supporting this but some of you may know, my sister has MUCHO issues. It's just so frustrating! ARGH! How can some people be so cheap?????? x(