What's the BEST workout Shoe ?


For step and HIIT workouts....what does everyone like? In the past I have always bought Ryka. Any new suggestions?

I think the best shoe is the one that fits your feet the best. I have always worn New Balance but recently bought Asics and love them. Nike doesn't fit well and I never liked any Ryka that I tried on. I think it is very individual choice.
There are quite a few posts on the forum with different recommendations that you might find helpful. You can search the forum for "workout shoes". I did that to narrow down a few recommendations. In the end, it came down to what felt right on my feet (Ryka Studio Flex Low).

I ordered from Zappos and must have tried 4-5 pairs before finding the ones that were most comfortable on me. If you haven't shopped from Zappos before, they have a very easy return policy. I felt bad for our UPS man who kept delivering the shoes only to return them after 1 workout :eek:.

Hope this helps and good luck!

I love my Asics, and my favorite part of Zappos is reading the reviews .... then I can see how they really feel on someone's feet!
I love my Under Armour sneakers. I used to like Ryka too but I like the UA better. I know 6pm.com has some great deals on Adidas and Nike at different times.
I recently purchased some New Balance WX520s and LOVE them. I got mine at DSW for about $40. New Balance is about the only workout shoe I wear anymore. I know that the higher the number, the better the shoe is supposed to be, but I swear that I find the lower numbers more comfortable, and they're cheaper! Good luck - it's always interesting finding that "right" shoe for you...

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