What's so bad about dairy?

Wow Carola, thanks for all the info!! I don't have a sensitivity to dairy products, but reading your VERY informative post is really making me consider cutting down on it. The main thing that will be hard to give up is my Greek yogurt!
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Everything Carola said!!!

When I don't eat dairy, I don't have any stomach issues or sinus stuff. I also looked up on my own how dairy related to osteoporosis after reading The China Study and found that the countries that consumed the most dairy also had the highest rates of osteoporosis. In fact, they are having to raise awareness in China about osteoporosis and calcium consumption now that - guess what! - their milk consumption is increasing.


Actually, it is as black and white as that. Carbonated drinks (especially soda) is also increasing with the westernization of China. Carbonated drinks are linked to brittle bones. So one cannot say, they drink more milk and that's why they have more osteoporosis. They are also drinking more carbonated drinks... There are ten sides to every study and so many variables to consider...

Often, Asian's BMI is what we consider being underweight and that is a great risk factor for osteoporosis. Many OLD asians have the hump on their backs which is caused by brittle bones. Modern medicine is simply testing more and putting a name to many things one would have consider a normal way of aging only thirty years ago. Forgettfulness (dementia) is one prime example.

Whenever one goes on a diet and stops eating what one usually eats (does not matter what), one loses weight. The key is to make it a lifestyle and not to think of it as "being on a diet."

Carola, sorry to hear you have cancer. I wish you the best.
My friend's trainer suggested an eating plan for her: no dairy, sugar, or wheat. This isn't the 1st time I've heard about restricting dairy, but I'm wondering why is it off-limits? Also, what's so bad about wheat? The bloat? Of course I told her to ask her trainer and he can't give her a solid answer about either.
Wheat is high in gluten, it's also in so many foods that most Americans eat, that many people become sensitive to it. It's also very acidifying.
Actually, it is as black and white as that. Carbonated drinks (especially soda) is also increasing with the westernization of China. Carbonated drinks are linked to brittle bones. So one cannot say, they drink more milk and that's why they have more osteoporosis. They are also drinking more carbonated drinks... There are ten sides to every study and so many variables to consider...

Often, Asian's BMI is what we consider being underweight and that is a great risk factor for osteoporosis. Many OLD asians have the hump on their backs which is caused by brittle bones. Modern medicine is simply testing more and putting a name to many things one would have consider a normal way of aging only thirty years ago. Dementia is one prime example.

Whenever one goes on a diet and stops eating what one usually eats (does not matter what), one loses weight. The key is to make it a lifestyle and not to think of it as "being on a diet."

Carola, sorry to hear you have cancer. I wish you the best.

Thanks! I don't "have" cancer though. I was diagnosed in 2008 and there is no sign of disease.

I agree with the point you are making that there rarely is only one single thing that causes a disease or result but since you were talking about modern medicine, many drugs also can cause osteoporosis (i.e cortisone-like drugs, some thyroid medications, etc.) as China has been opening more to Western Medicine this may play a role as well but that doesn't indicate or prove anything that was said about dairy to be wrong.

That being said what some call modern medicine putting a name to diseases is what I call disease mongering. Anything that is a normal occurance or a nuisance is being labeled a disease (i.e "overactive" bladder, restless leg syndrome, social anxiety, etc.) and thus needs to be treated with drugs.
There actually is a lot of research that the increase in "dementia" in the elderly is often times caused by the medications they are taking. Bladder medication is one example, many other medications, including some antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine, paroxetine), antihistamines (Benadryl, diphenhydramine, loratadine), heartburn drugs (cimetidine, ranitidine, metoclopramide) and heart drugs (diltiazem, furosemide, nifedipine) also may cause trouble (Archives of Internal Medicine, March 10, 2008).

I think with many drugs that are approved and dispensed routinely, we have no idea what the long-term ramnifications of these drugs are. Thank God the drug companies always have yet another pill to counteract the side effects that their drugs are causing :rolleyes: And there are no studies done about the effects of several different drugs being taken together. They just assume that if drug A is not causing you to drop dead, drug B and C are "safe", a combination of A,B and C is just dandy.

Of course, not everything is black and white, but there is evidence that much of what is being labeled as "dementia" in the elderly is often caused by prescription medicine. But I guess that makes me a conspiracy theorist again (although there is now more research done and it is also hitting the awareness of "mainstream" medicine).

Off my soapbox now and back to our regularly scheduled program :eek::p
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Carbonated drinks (especially soda) is also increasing with the westernization of China. Carbonated drinks are linked to brittle bones. So one cannot say, they drink more milk and that's why they have more osteoporosis. They are also drinking more carbonated drinks...
That is an excellent point! I hadn't considered that soda, as well as "western foods" may not have been there as long and is relatively new to them. Thank you for pointing that out. :)

Wow Carola, thanks for all the info!! I don't have a sensitivity to dairy products, but reading your VERY informative post is really making me consider cutting down on it. The main thing that will be hard to give up is my Greek yogurt!

I know what you mean. I thought the same thing when I read Carola's post. Give up Fage yogurt!:eek: What's next? No Santa Claus?!!:eek::p
Carola, I wanted to ignore your post, I tried. I really really tried.:mad:

Well, I threw out my beloved Fage and I'm on day 4 dairy free. I never cared for milk and I've always been a plain hamburger kind of gal, but my fage yogurt!!!

My body loves a Paleo type diet, so why not give in(does not include dairy/grains).

I'm a huge Dr. Jonny Bowden fan, and here is his take on milk...

I know what you mean. I thought the same thing when I read Carola's post. Give up Fage yogurt!:eek: What's next? No Santa Claus?!!:eek::p
Carola, I wanted to ignore your post, I tried. I really really tried.:mad:

LOL!!!! I am right there with you! The Fage yogurt was the hardest part.

Thanks for sharing that link! "The FDA cares as much for our health as Dick Cheney does for his hunting buddies". ROTFLMAO!! I like this guy! I'd say that raw milk is a step up but the milk still contains IGF-1 though. But I think it goes back to - everything in moderation unless you have a particular health problem.

Cynthia, I did try the Fage yogurt again after a while and the funny thing was, it didn't taste good to me anymore :eek: Now if I could say the same thing of the darn bag of German licorice I ate yesterday :mad::mad::eek:
I'm a huge Dr. Jonny Bowden fan, and here is his take on milk...


I toy with the idea of going dairy-free...and gluten-free...off and on for years now. *sigh* Hard choices since I love my ice-cream maker attachment to my mixer, and have recently gotten into baking bread.

I can't watch a video right now but could you tell me a bit more about Dr. Bowden? What's his philosophy (in a nutshell)? Credentials?

I can't watch a video right now but could you tell me a bit more about Dr. Bowden? What's his philosophy (in a nutshell)? Credentials?


Most of what I read from Dr. Bowden , I found on T-nation. He has a website and blog, but I rarely visit it. I know he has a few diet tapes and books, but I've never been tempted to purchase them. I know what works for me through much trial and error. For me, it's about staying away from the processed carbs! I have an addiction to them.:eek:

Here is Dr. Bowden's bio from T-nation.
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., CNS, is a board-certified nutrition specialist and a nationally known expert on weight loss and nutrition. He has a master's degree in psychology and counseling and a Ph.D. in nutrition, and has earned six national certifications in personal training and exercise. His books include: The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, and The Healthiest Meals on Earth.

Link to one of his articles - Dirty Nutrition volume one:

His philosophy in a nutshell...Eat whole food with minimal processing, grass fed beef, free range chicken, eggs, nuts, fruit, fresh veggies, beans & legumes, healthy oils. He is not a fan of most grains. He lists oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice (as a side dish only) in his book "150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. He is not a fan of milk unless it is raw, but he is okay with yogurt as long as it is full fat and carries the LAC label (active cultures). He mentions the studies making the connection between milk and cancer in his book.

I decided to remove all dairy from my home because my husband's father and grandfather both had prostate cancer. Plus, the Paleo type diet is very appealing to me.:) I like eating this way- no calorie counting, no crazy food cravings, and I feel really good!

I also decided to remove yogurt from my diet because I want to see if my complexion gets better- and hopefully my migraines.
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Thanks so much for the reply fit44. Do you think he's in the same ballpark as Michael Pollan? Sounds like some similarities exist.

I understand the link that's been made between processed dairy and cancer - I did read The China Study.

I've struggled for years with a bad complexion, and a noisy belly, and chronic sinus congestion. I feel like I should at least try giving up dairy (and wheat) for a little while - just to see what happens.

I'll check out that video now.

Thanks again.
Most of what I read from Dr. Bowden , I found on T-nation. He has a website and blog, but I rarely visit it. I know he has a few diet tapes and books, but I've never been tempted to purchase them. I know what works for me through much trial and error. For me, it's about staying away from the processed carbs! I have an addiction to them.:eek:

Here is Dr. Bowden's bio from T-nation.
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., CNS, is a board-certified nutrition specialist and a nationally known expert on weight loss and nutrition. He has a master's degree in psychology and counseling and a Ph.D. in nutrition, and has earned six national certifications in personal training and exercise. His books include: The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, and The Healthiest Meals on Earth.

Fit44...this is the same book I read that said to STOP eating egg whites only...eat the whole egg (150 Ways to Boost Your Energy). When I told other people about this, they looked at me like I had two heads. Like "yolk and everything?" As if I'd just drop the f-bomb. A couple of people even gasped in horror. Meanwhile, I've been scrambling eggs like I work at IHOP.

In any event...it seems like for every expert that says one thing, there is another expert right behind him/her to say another. Drink milk. Don't drink milk. Eat egg whites only. Eat whole eggs only. Don't drink coffee. Drink a little coffee. Don't eat butter. A little butter is ok. Step away from the avocados. Avocados are your friend. Oy vey! Who knows anymore?

PS...I liked the book, though! Any book that says ixnay on the egg whites is an interesting read!

In any event...it seems like for every expert that says one thing, there is another expert right behind him/her to say another. Drink milk. Don't drink milk. Eat egg whites only. Eat whole eggs only. Don't drink coffee. Drink a little coffee. Don't eat butter. A little butter is ok. Step away from the avocados. Avocados are your friend. Oy vey! Who knows anymore?

I know, all the information can make your head spin.:confused: I think the message in his book is very basic. Stay away from food that has been altered by man. He doesn't say you should never drink milk or eat cheese, he merely points out that you should be concerned with the source of your dairy and it should be consumed full fat-not low fat/fat free.

Have you seen the movie Food Inc? It's scary how our food is factory farmed. Watch this movie if you haven't seen it.
This is where you skim milk is coming from and then ask yourself what that is doing to your health?

I decided to remove dairy from my diet for reasons I stated above. I've been leaning towards a Paleo lifestyle for a while now.
Oh, and I gave up bread too!:eek: I know, I know, but it wasn't helping me reach my goals, and I want to see what it does for me. I can always change my mind.:cool:
off topic sorry.

Wheat is high in gluten, it's also in so many foods that most Americans eat, that many people become sensitive to it. It's also very acidifying.

yup, I second what she said. I did not know about the acidifying part. That is fascinating because a little over a year ago I started the year from hell with a kidney infection that descended into my bladder and nearly killed me (really dead not just sincerely dead!) At the time the only relief I found was having a 1/4 tsp. of baking soda in a 12 ounce glass of water. Then the antibiotics sent my GI tract into a tizzy and I discovered that anything with gluten caused issues. I could not eat much of anything other than Pacific brand chicken broth, kefir (I know its dairy) and Tings (processed). I'm fairly sorted out now, but dang it, if I had known that gluten was so difficult I would have given it up years ago. The pain I had was so bad I literally cried. I turned white as a sheet and looked like I was dead already. So, if you are having really bad GI pains consider an elimination diet and try a gF diet its not so hard. Really.

Sorry I know I went totally sort of off topic.
this is a very interesting discussion. i've been having body breakouts (primarily on my upper arms) I've been reading how dairy can cause skin breakouts. Anyone have any experience with clearing up their skin by giving up dairy? My diet is rich in whole clean foods so its not like i'm eating tons of stuff that isn't good for my skin.
Karie, Can't answer for the dairy part but my husband gave up gluten and grains and the acne he had completely disappeared.
this is a very interesting discussion. i've been having body breakouts (primarily on my upper arms) I've been reading how dairy can cause skin breakouts. Anyone have any experience with clearing up their skin by giving up dairy? My diet is rich in whole clean foods so its not like i'm eating tons of stuff that isn't good for my skin.

I was suffering from body break outs pretty badly myself and I attributed it to the sweat from my work outs being too much for my skin to handle. I changed my body wash to acne body wash and problem was solved so if food isn't the culprit or if you'd rather try another solution first...give it a go! It worked for me! :D
I'd never heard about dairy and sinus troubles. Interesting. I'll admit my milk consumption has gone down dramatically in the last year or so (thank you Pellegrino!! I drink a bottle a day!). I only buy organic 1% milk and low-fat yogurt. Cheese is another story, but we've all got our vices. I do watch my intake of all of it, however. Like I said, moderation. I do think I've become a bit lactose intolerant as I've aged, which I read is common, and I have noticed I feel better with a lower consumption than I had in the past. But I know I'll never "give up" dairy completely. Oh, I use whole milk in my coffee, generally. I try to use soy milk sometimes, too - mix it up. Not too much of any one resource.
Carola - I will happily step in and take over your duties as "dairy whore-in-chief". :D

Due to what was mentioned regarding pasteurization and homogenization, almost 100% of the dairy products DH and I eat are raw and full fat, including our milk...we know a guy with cow...seriously.


Gayle, this made me LOL. We happen to have a boutique health food store in town that stocks organic, raw milk products. I stopped by there yesterday with DH and picked up some cheddar ($6.99 for 5oz. :eek::confused:). They offer a gallon of milk, a half gallon of yogurt, a pint of whipping cream, and a tub of quark (although that's pasteurized). So there are options...in my area anyway. But that's a lotta $$ since the milk would be in the area of $8-9 per gallon with the bottle deposit.

I'm kind of a cheapskate so I'm more likely to give it up than fork over that kind of cash on a regular basis.....assuming that's the direction I'm going in.

I wonder if Whole Paycheck offers raw milk? I'll look next time I go.

I'm lucky enough to know a chick with some chickens so I can walk across the street and buy a dozen eggs from happy hens. I wish I did know a guy with a cow! :D
Raw milk laws vary by states. In Washington, I believe you can buy it in stores. In Illinois (where I live) you cannot buy raw milk in a store, you have to buy into a co-op to get it. Raw milk here is roughly twice the price of high-end premium organic milk so it's pricey!

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