What's missing from these workouts on Fit TV?


Active Member
Hi there!

I recorded these workouts from Fit TV and was wondering which parts were left out from the original tape:

Boot Camp
Push Pull

Thank you for your help!
It has been awhile since I have done the FitTV version of these workouts, but I will try to help you out. The workouts on FitTV are all around 45 min.
Boot Camp is a 58 min, workout and I think what is missing is cardio #5--Terminators (squat thrust climbers), then squat roundhouse calf pumps, one arm rows with 8# DB and plank-side hip raise with 8# med ball. There may be one other exercise left out, but don't know what it is.
PushPull is a 44 min. workout, so you may have the entire thing.
Supersets is a 53 min. workout, so you aren't missing too much, but I don't remember what. Sorry.


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