what's for dinner?

Beef with broccoli and a pack of Boca meatless ground burger mixed in. I'm trying to get my son to eat more protein. He's hardly eaten today.

Finished off with a handful of trail mix -- mixed nuts with dried fruit.

Bourbon Chicken, rice, broccoli and salad.

Sorry, I can't remember the recipe. I made it last Saturday and froze it.
White (Jasmine). I know, I know...but whatever. I don't care - I get my fiber elsewhere.

They just opened this place in the area where you choose a bunch of meals from a monthly menu (6 or 12 meals, that serve 4 - 6 people). You go to their kitchen and they supply you with the recipes and all of the ingredients, all chopped and prepped for you. Then you put the dish together, take it home and put it in the freezer. Each day you take one of the dishes out in the morning and it's all ready to just be popped in the oven when you get home (or on the stove top, whatever).

I went the first time last Saturday, got 12 meals - which will actually work out to just under a month's worth of dinners for my family, and it only took me 2 hours getting them all together. The food is healthy and very high quality. Plus you know exactly everything that is in it, because you're making it from scratch.

Now I don't have to figure out what the heck I'm going to make for dinner the next week, have very little clean-up after dinner, and my husband can get it going while I exercise.

I'm so excited that they have this here and that my husband thinks it's a good idea.
Teriyaki chicken, rice, and peas. Oh, also a handful of Froot Loops while I was waiting for the chicken to be done.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
My DH and I are on a salad kick. Every Sunday we buy lots of veggies and go home and clean them and cut them up into baggies. We put all the baggies on one shelf in the fridge. My DH marinates bite-sized pieces of chicken and stir-frys it. Then, about 4-5 nights per week, we put together large salads from the baggies, him with the chicken, and me with tuna or salmon or chicken.

That's what we had tonight. Our salads contained chicory lettuce, red and orange peppers, broccolini, radichio, endive, red onions, mushrooms, kirby cukes and carrots. It's a one-bowl meal that takes less than 5 mins. to throw together! We're so impressed with ourselves these days for saving time and money and eating healthy. :+
I love a good salad Nancy!

Donna, that sounds so convenient and easy! does it cost a fortune? very cool!

Pinky: just a thought: have you tried making your son protein milk shakes?

We had some stouffers frozen chicken stir fry...probably sooo bad but we were in a bit of a hurry tonight. Tasted yummy tho!:9


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
i like buying fully cooked marinated chicken breasts from my grocery(29g protien,2 carbs,0 saturated fat). tonight i had one with veggies. they are also excellent on salads.
A very big salad (like Elaine in Seinfeld)..:)...and some Cheesy Potato Chili casserole....yes...all Vegan...:)...Carole
It's a little more than going grocery shopping and doing all the PIA stuff yourself, but it's less than going to McDonalds. Way worth the money in my opinion because cooking dinner and all that's involved is a major source of irritation in my life. I hate everything about it!
It's a little more than going grocery shopping and doing all the PIA stuff yourself, but it's less than going to McDonalds. Way worth the money in my opinion because cooking dinner and all that's involved is a major source of irritation in my life. I hate everything about it!
I made tuna steaks and crab cakes. Cauliflower and corn bread. Of course, I only ate the tuna and saved myself a crabcake for my free day. Fish is easy and quick to make. Melissa
mmmm cheesy anything sounds good to me... soy cheese included!

We had ostrich burgers, spinach, and home made french fries... yum! :)

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