What's Dad or DH getting for Father's Day?


My Dad is a huge reader, but since his eyes are starting to fail (glaucoma and macular degeneration) he's starting to get some audio books. Though I would get him some of those. For DH, was thinking of a nice pair of sunglasses... he always buys the drugstore kind, so I was thinking of a really nice pair he'd never buy for himself.
My husband is a road cyclist fanatic. So, he's getting a new upgraded saddle for his bike and a bike jersey. I think he'll be happy. Hopefully, I picked a good saddle because I don't know anything about which brands are the best when it comes to bicycling. On the other hand, I know that Cathe is cream of the crop when it comes to fitness instructors & w/o DVD's!!!;-)
DH asked for a cordless drill and vice wrench. He's also getting a trip to the New York Finger Lakes region with me for the weekend.
My dad is getting some goodies from A Southern Season (an online store). He loves sweets and snacking! My husband is getting a card from the cats.:7 If you haven't guessed, we don't have kids just yet!

My DH just bought a new truck (04 Dodge Ram Quad Cab Diesel)and the kids went in together and had it detailed for him. It was shampooed, scrubbed, waxed and shined inside & out. Dh is very happy!:)

We are taking my dad (and mom) out to eat on Sunday and also telling them to pick a day and we will spend it working for them at their "summer place" in Indiana. Will cut the grass, pull weeds , wash windows, haul stuff off to the dump....anything they want or need to have done.
I had my kids answer a series of questions such as "If my dad could go anywhere in the world he would go to (fill in the blank)" and "I know Dad loves me when (fill in the blank)".

Stole the idea from a project DS did for me for Mother's Day. The answers he filled in were hilarious so I knew DH would enjoy it.

My dad is getting good socks that are really for running and hiking to help with his callouses and bunions (sp?). My husband is getting a huge jar of mixed nuts and a variety of dark chocolate. I have to say, I want the gifts! Melissa
My dad is getting a Carolina Rocker for a retirement/father's day gift as he's moving down to the Carolina beaches. He can sit out on his deck overlooking the ocean and rock until his heart is content.

DH is getting a Tommy Bahama shirt from the kids. His DS is going to cook a fancy dinner - filet mignon and lobster tails. And I'll get him a fabulous bottle of wine to go with it.
My dad is VERRRRRY hard to shop for. I'm getting him some cd's, and probably some new hiking shorts. I like the idea of detailing his truck, but he kinda enjoys doing it himself really. We're having a bbq, and also helping him clear out a bunch of junk my mom wanted to save for a garage sale....over two years ago!! :p

My bf is a father, so I'll definitely get him something just because I love to shop for him:)

Edited for typos and to say Christine, I love your signature line!

My Dad and FIL have both passed on:( but my DH will get a card from the dog and that's it. It seems like every day is father's day in my household. He's a very lucky man and I remind him of it every day LOL
My DH is getting to spend the day with his son! Son bought a new house this year and we just bought him a barbecue as a housewarming gift. Son invited DH's entire family over for a Father's Day barbecue. There will be about 20 of us. DH is in heaven! :D

And hey, it means a lot to him, so I'm sure I can survive his family for about 5 hours. ;-)

My Dad is getting an air conditioner and some of my homemade french onion soup--his favorite.
My husband is getting a shopping trip to Cabela's (too hard to pick out hunting stuff for him) and homemade cherry cheesecake.
My father is no longer living. My FIL's gifts are always chosen by my DH, my FIL particularly likes having donations made to his fave charities such as the American Cancer Society (in my DH's mom's honor, as she died from cancer).

My DH is receiving from me and his DSs, P90X and chinup bar, a Swiss Army watch, new running shoes, breakfast in bed, dinner of his choice, pecan bars baked by one DS, peanut butter cookies baked by another DS, and my youngest DS (autistic) has "prepared" his own gift for Dad and none of us have a clue as to what it is.:7 My 25 yo DS is responsible for his own givings.:D
DH, FIL and Great-Grandpa are all getting same thing from my two DDs, t-shirts with their hands and feet using paint and saying "World's Best Daddy (or Grandpa or Great-Grandpa)" The girls are sooo excited about the shirts and the men in their life opening them! :7

My Dad had dinner out that we refused to let him pay for- nachos and margaritas at Chilis last weekend, his choice. He has been spending our inheritance the last few years on golfing stuff, and he plays tournaments and wins golf shop credits, so we can't buy him anything for his passion... :-( . He simply seems to want to be with us... hence dinner out last weekend after spending the day with us at a barbeque "Q-off" my DH was competing at. Last night we all celebrated my sister's bday and DH and I just left his Father's Day card at his house- we didn't want to tread on my sister's celebration. We played mini golf for her bday and he was having a grand time with all of us. :)

My bday (5/11) is always around Mother's Day and my sister's bday (6/18) is always around Father's Day so we do what we can to keep them a little separate.

Gracie and George each got their Dad a card, and told me what to write. :p DH will get those on his pillow in the morning. :)
DS had a good idea yesterday when we went to buy Father's Day cards - Diet Coke and Mentos. At bedtime one night I found DH looking at dozens of web videos of people doing the DC/Mentos experiment and laughing hysterically. For those of you who haven't heard of this, here's one link but there are MANY, MANY more:


Yes, DH is a kid at heart and we always like to combine silly gifts with more serious ones. He also received an iTunes gift card and some cool t-shirts.

DH's father and my father are no longer with us so I'll say a special prayer for them today.


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