What's a good alternative to Lower Pymramid workout


Hi Everyone,

I have really gotten use to doing Pyramid lower. What workout would you recommend I buy for legs and glutes to vary my routine. My body type is similar to Cathe's. I love the way Pyramid has developed my leg muscles but want something to rotate with. I do have boot camp and MIS but am looking for just a leg and glute workout.

Ditto Emily's suggestions. But I would put Legs and Glutes at the top of the list - I have both. The DVD includes Kick Punch Crunch, which is a fantastic kickboxing workout. And there are premixes for shorter or longer L&G workouts or to combine KPC with L&G. A great value!

I second Gym Style legs. My second favorite lower body workout (a very close second, maybe even tied with first!) to PLB.
Hi Chrissy -Oh, I so love Lower Pyramid - but my FAVORITE is Legs & Glutes. L & G has amazing premixes. I do legs & glutes the most and throw in Pyramid Lower & Gym Style Legs. I've been so happy with every Cathe purchase. Best wishes - Coleen
GS Legs would be my first choice then L&G/KPC. L&G/KPC does have awesome premixes but I attribute GS Legs to making my legs stronger for interval cardio and making other leg workouts seem not as difficult as they once were. PLB is one of my faves also and like Kathryn said it is a close second maybe even a tie with GS Legs.
Thanks, I have the two GS uppers and love them so I will go ahead and order GS legs then down the road legs & glutes. I have a feeling I will end up buying many more of Cathe's workouts down the road. Thanks for your input:)

>Thanks, I have the two GS uppers and love them so I will go
>ahead and order GS legs then down the road legs & glutes. I
>have a feeling I will end up buying many more of Cathe's
>workouts down the road. Thanks for your input:)

You will:+ :+ :+ .

I love the GS Legs too, but I'll throw in one more suggestion...Pure Strength, Strong Legs and Abs.

Susan C.M.
>I love the GS Legs too, but I'll throw in one more
>suggestion...Pure Strength, Strong Legs and Abs.
>Susan C.M.

Is this the one that they have on Fit TV all the time or is that S&H? What's the difference in PS and S&H? I've been thinking about throwing in another leg work out as well. I like GSL and L&G. It's too soon for me to decide which I like better. I think I had more DOMS with L&G! :)

(formerly dmstefanos)

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