What would you do?


We are all into fitness, home, gyms, running, bikes, treadmills, what is one thing you would like to try besides these things, why haven't you or will you?


I would love to skydive one day and I would love to do the rock climbing. Nothing in my area and I will do it when my kiddos are bigger maybe they could do it with me.

I just did bungy jumping last year.
I would like to just sit in a big chair with a huge tub of buttered popcorn and a stack of DVD's. I really enjoy relaxing and reading or watching movies--2 things I hardly ever get to do.
I have never tried spinning. I'd also love to do some hiking in Montana to which I have never visited.
What I'd like to do: One-on-one pilates at a pilates studios with all the machines.
Why I haven't: I can't afford it.
I too would love to hike! I have a 2 year old and 5 year old. Maybe when they are older, I could take day trips occasionally. Also, I don't think I would like to hike alone, so I would need a bbuddy to go with me. Melissa
Ice skating. I was really good as a kid but now I can barely balance without falling on my a$$. It's such a beautiful & graceful sport, I wish I had the time to re-learn it.
Rock climbing. I wish that I didn't get more chicken of heights with each passing year! I guess I fear the pain!

Traveling world wide. Just not enough time or money. If I could take my family with me, then that would be perfect.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I would love to try rock climbing. I would also love to try the Eco-Challenge. I'm not sure they still do it. It was a Mark Burnett thing (before he moved to Survivor). It was a grueling race where you had to walk, kayak, hike, ride horses, etc. to get to the finish line.
A one on one kickbox lesson from Chuck Norris! I KNOW I couldn't afford that!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
I love kickboxing workouts so much and enjoy watch martial arts competitions. I've always thought it would be awesome to earn a black belt in tae kwon do. (I think there are some ladies here who have achieved that and I admire them!) Why don't I pursue it? (sigh...I'm 46 and it sounds like a lot of work and time and money, just the regular excuses why people don't reach for things.) Also, I'm not sure I'm tough enough to take getting kicked in the head! x(
I would like to fence (the sword fighting thing). I haven't done so, because my money has so many other places to go right now. But, when my children are grown or I win the lottery I just may try it out.
I would love to bike in Europe for about 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully, someday I will.

Briee-are you coming with me?

darli ann. You don't have to take full contact tae kwon do. I think it would be awesome for you 46 is no big deal I sparred with many beyond the age of 46 GREAT WORKOUT! I can remember for my first degree blackbelt. I had to spar 7 men (BIG MEN). I broke 14 bricks, I did a circular demonstration for breaking boards and my Creation a flying sidekick over 7 chairs breaking through 7 boards I went through and kicked one of the men in the chest. I had really long legs and when my Master saw I was able to do 3 chairs he wanted me to keep adding 10 chairs was way to long 8 I always clipped the top so 7 it was. I would love to get back into it for me its my children I want them to get into it as well just for the discipline and being able to protect themselves in a dangerous situation only. I started them in Hapkido last fall they were to young (silly). I am planning again this fall see if they have changed. Just try one free class you'll love it.

i will love to go back to the motorbike.i had one but i had to give it up when i was 3 months pregnent. now i have 5 kids the oldest is 9 and the next best thing to the dream is my hasband giving me a ride on his bmw bike.
I'm an Oregonian stuck in Iowa so I would love to go back to the west coast and hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Canada to Mexico.

Learn and compete in the art / sport of fencing (I've always thought it was such an elegant sport)!

Learn to do mask art (I do have the name of an art supplies store nearby that sells the needed tools including masks and paint, so I don't know what I'm waiting for).

Go to a Cathe Road Trip.

1. Rock wall climbing (will probably do that one of these days).
2. Take dance lessons (hubby and I are checking into it).
Edited for a typo.

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