What works for inner thighs?



I'm thinking of adding a 3rd weights day for just legs. What do you suggest? I generally do weights (Cathe tapes) 2x per week and cardio 4 times per week (cathe tapes 1-2 times per week and running 2-3x per week). I just tried on my bathing suits from last year and although I was not totally dismayed, I also was not totally psyched. I can see some definition all over actually(I could stand to lose about 5-10 pounds but am in good shape and not overweight), and improvement from last year, but the one thing that stands out to me in the mirror is my inner thighs! I was thinking PS SLA - legs only, or maybe Meaner Legs. I have the Firm Standing Legs but it kills my knees. Or maybe I should do my own exercises. I really like the body bar work in SLA.

By the way, I watch what I eat and work out 6 times per week. I think that is above-average - hardly any of my friends work out at all. Why don't I look above-average in my bathing suit, like I feel I did when I was a teenager? I am 34 and weigh 140 (would like to weigh 130-135) and have a 1 yr. old and a 2 yr. old. I am about ready to go on one of those slimfast diets or stop eating alltogether. How do those models have a kid and get so thin again???

Sorry for the ranting. But you'll understand that I just hit the yearly bathing-suit-try-on-crisis!

thanks for reading! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-02 AT 08:35PM (Est)[/font][p]Karen Voight's (Pilates) Total Body Training, which requires the resist-a-ring, really works the inner thighs. If I give it 100%, my inner thighs are very sore the next day. I usually don't feel inner thigh exercises. I have not used this tape religiously, so I don't know the benefits in the long run. Inner thighs is not one of my main concerns right now. The tape is about 45 min. You will get some ab workout with this one as well. There is very little upper body work, though, even though it is called Total Body. Hope this helps. Angela
You might take a look a the Firm's Lower Body Split. I received that from the swap and watched it today. It had a good amount of inner thigh work and some moves I haven't seen before. It's more an "endurance" type workout (over an hour long) than heavy weights which might work for you. As much as I dislike the Firm (cheezy and I hate the Stepford Wife look, LOL) this looks like a really decent leg workout and I'm going to incorporate it into my rotation.

It's on DVD too, BTW.
Don't go on a diet unless you want to weigh more! You'll screw up your metabolism and all your hard work. Two toddlers and you dare give yourself a hard time. You ROCK, lady! Just keep working out. If it's flab, add a tad bit more cardio or a little interval work! I also love KV's workout and the resist-a-ring! Candice, you really are amazing. Be patient and keep plugging away. You'll be beautiful in your bathing suit. You ARE beautiful in your bathing suit. Don't let those crazy magazine images of stick girls influence your idea of what a real woman looks like in a swimsuit!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: You cannot spot-reduce

Hi, Candice! From your post it looks like you're interested in reducing the fat stores in the upper-thigh area.

Don't mean to burst your bubble, but there is no way to spot-reduce fat stores in a particular area. You can spot-STRENGTHEN and spot-ELONGATE specific muscle groups by adding strengthening and flexibility exercises that target those areas. But WHERE you store fat is genetically pre-determined. And the only way to reduce fat stores is to maintain a good, productive intense cardiovascular workout program coupled with a good strengthening and muscle-mass building program (because muscle is metabolically active and will burn more calorie fuel).

That said, spot-training the adductors, the muscle group located at the inner thigh area, is important because their work as stabilizers is so important. The suggestions you've received for workouts for that area are quite good.

Just my $.02.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-02 AT 09:22AM (Est)[/font][p]I have personal experience with this very problem, and here's what WORKED for me. Don't think that adding more days is going to necessarily work, it did not for me. My main problem areas are the area above my knees and the inner thigh.

I train my legs only twice a week using high reps and light-medium weights. I alternate workouts every week, and will do Cathe's Leaner Legs, PS Legs, or the Firm's Standing Legs once a week. To those tapes I will add leg extensions, leg curls, and an Inner Thigh Fitball squeeze.

I do one additional leg workout which is usually Power Circuit or Circuit Max (with NO upper body weights) and again adding the leg curls, leg extentions, and inner thigh fitball squeeze.

I also do 2-3 days of step tapes, or step combined with hi/lo or kickbox (like Circuit Max or 10-10-10 or Powercircuit).

FINALLY, I've stumbled on something that has eluded me for years....smaller and firmer legs.

It's the smarter, not harder remedy.
Another vote for Karen Voight's Total Body Training. Inner thighs are my problem area. I have otherwise lean and toned legs, but I constantly fight a weird bulge in my inner thigh x( .
This tape has really helped reshape my legs. I use Cathe or Firm strength tapes twice a weeks and complement these workouts with two Pilates-type workouts focusing on the legs (usually Karen's tape and Grace Lazerby's All the Right Moves). I think mixing the types of workout is key. Running also does amazing things for your legs!
Good luck
RE: Inner thighs

For me this is a problem area as well. I work my inner/outer thighs 3 days a week in addition to my regular regimen.
Honest to god, the stupid thigh-master really works and you can do it watching TV. Lying on your back and doing vertical scissors is great, and you can wrap a resistance band ($7) around your legs about mid-thigh. I go until I feel the burn, then do one more set. For outer, you lay on your side and wrap the band around the same place and do leg lifts. THere are a bunch of past threads on resistance band exercies, books, and websites.
Triceps, inner thighs, and abs are things that I do while watching TV because I don't always have time to hit them with my cardio and overall weight training. I notice when I skip, my jeans do fit a little more snugly so I know it works for me. Doesn't have to be a lot of weight, but you should definitey try to do 3 sets to the point you feel the burn on each set and work though it. IMHO.
RE: Inner thighs

Thanks everyone, for all the great advice. I am printing your responses to mull it all over and will keep trying new things till my inner thighs respond!

Bobbi, you are too kind. I was at the beach today with my grandmother and 2 kids, and my grandmother told me I look "terrific" and said "if the kids weren't here no one would guess you had any from looking at you"! Now that is exactly what I needed to hear! Who knows if she was just trying to be nice but it worked. On the beach, I felt very energetic and strong and was comfortable walking around in my suit(ok, running around after my kids!) - I haven't felt that way in years. There was indeed some muscle showing. So I think the workouts are actually working and maybe it's better to try suits on in the morning instead of at 9:00 pm! Thank you for your kind words.

RE: Inner thighs

Again, I agree with Bobbi!!!! Sometimes, I really think we have to let go of those old images of us ("like I was in high school")and maybe get some new images. Although it may be possible...if you get exactly the same amount of activity, eat the same foods, somehow get your metabolism to the same place it was then..the truth is, you may NEVER look like you did in high school again. Your body CHANGES. And although change can be good, some things just don't change back all that much. Remember, you want to look your personal best, not better or as good as that model on Muscle and Fitness. Remember, it is her JOB. I am sure you look awesome for a mother of two!! Working out 6 times a week for sure helps you look a little better than your sedentary peers!! Don't beat yourself up too much!!! Take care, Janice

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