What workout was that on FitTV this morning?

darli ann

Did anyone see Cathe's step workout this morning? I don't have this one and turned it on halfway through so didn't catch the name of it. I kind of liked it because the moves didn't look too hard for "choreographically challenged" people like me. Just curious... Thanks!
Thanks, ladies. Would love opinions on this one - should I buy it? As I said, I am a tad step-challenged when the moves are fast and fancy but want it to be a little tough for the cardio too.
I just got Lowmax on Saturday. It's a bit tricky but doable. Probably take a couple of tries before you get it. It's tough cardio and really works the legs. Keep in mind that the FitTV version is shorter to account for commercials (probably around 45 minutes). I believe the DVD version is over an hour long.
I think the DVD version is around 70 minutes. Lowmax is sneaky. You think "oh, this isn't so bad" then you get to about the third blast and start thinking "I can't feel my legs":p

It's definitely worth getting.
It's one of my favorites. The FitTv version is missing a few of the intervals or parts of them, but I think it's still a good workout.

Low Max was the first workout I bought from Cathe and is still one of my favorites. I did this one on Saturday and at first you think that it is not too bad but by the end she has really kicked your butt. I still burn the most calories using this workout than I do any of the others I have from her (imax 2, imax 3, step blast,etc.). This dvd would be a fabulous investment in your workout library.

Just did it for the first time about an hour ago..my thighs are still burning! Very easy to follow, which I needed because I am a real clutz when it comes to the more advanced step combos. The blasts were intense, and the sweat was dripping into my eyes.. but I got through them.I really enjoyed this one! I am definately going to buy it. (I did the workout from Fit TV)

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