what video next?


Hi! This is my first time ever posting to anyone about anything, I hope I make sense! I love this site, you are all so friendly and gracious with sharing your experiences and thoughts. I'm a 30 year old mother of six children (ages: 10,8,7,5, 3 and 18 months). I have been doing Kathy Smith's step workout in between pregnancies for about 6 years. I am a very sporadic excerciser! I have always been able to get back to a good weight for me after my other five kids, but the sixth one is kicking my behind! I didn't even know about Cathe until recently when I was checking out the vidiofitness website. I was able to find the "get in shape for you wedding video" at the library and have done it yesterday and today. Since I have only done Kathy Smith I thought it would be wise to stick with the tape everyone was saying was not so complex in the choreography dept. and I think that was a wise choice for me! The "ricochet" move has me kinda confused! Anyhow I really like the video a lot; my heart was really pumping on both segments. (I also have Kathy Smiths "timesaver lift weights to lose weight" and have been doing that for about 2 months. So to finally get to my question: I would like to get good at this tape and be able to do all of it without having to modify anything and then I'd like to get another tape. I have been reading a lot on this site and collage videos site about which of Cathe's tapes wouldn't be to tricky choreography wise and am only more confused! I was also thinking of getting MIS after I'd been doing the wedding tape for awhile. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi mjean,
That's great that you were able to get a Cathe tape from your library. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think that either Step Max, Step Jam, or Step Heat would be a good next choice. Step Jam is probably the most complex of these three, but the moves really flow well together. This was one of the first Cathe tapes I mastered (Step Max was the very first) and I was surprised as to how easily I caught on. Like you, my previous step experience was mainly Kathy Smith (with some Reebok and Karen Voight too).
Hope this helps.
I'm still on the six kids at 30....

You must be an amazing mom! I think it would be so much fun to have the guts to do that but I must admit I don't think I could. Wow!

It was hard for me to learn Cathe - actually my first tape was the MIC tape. What's funny is that a lot of the moves there end up in other tapes (or vice versa) so you end up learning her style and pick up the other tapes really easily. She is a great teacher. I admit I cannot do other step tapes other than Cathe's - I get really confused. I don't have the wedding tape - now I figure it might be too easy. It sounds like you can handle anything though. I do have one question. How in the world do you find time to fit in exercise in your day? Seriously?
Hi! Mjean,

Welcome! I am so impressed with your dedication and ability to prioritize fitness in your life. I think that the tapes the others suggested sound fine. I wonder if you have considered the XPRESS series. It would expose you to the wide range of cardio styles and choices that Cathe offers. The express series offers 1/2 hr. cardio and you get a fantastic "single body-part per day" weight segment at the end of your tape. I believe that this was the program that Cathe did post-partum. Check it out and let us know what you choose. Don't be a stranger. I have made some neat friends here at Cathe's Place! AND HOW DO YOU FIT IN THE TIME TO EXCERSISE?

Hi! Mjean,

Welcome! I am so impressed with your dedication and ability to prioritize fitness in your life. I think that the tapes the others suggested sound fine. I wonder if you have considered the XPRESS series. It would expose you to the wide range of cardio styles and choices that Cathe offers. The express series offers 1/2 hr. cardio and you get a fantastic "single body-part per day" weight segment at the end of your tape. I believe that this was the program that Cathe did post-partum. Check it out and let us know what you choose. Don't be a stranger. I have made some neat friends here at Cathe's Place! AND HOW DO YOU FIT IN THE TIME TO EXCERSISE?

RE: I'm still on the six kids at 30....

Man, I hope I'm not being annoying! After I read the replies to my first post and then posted another message, I got offline and didn't think I'd get back on until tomorrow. But I just keep thinking about this and I know it'll bug me until I address it so...I just want everyone who read my first post about having six kids to know that I don't feel busier, or like I work harder than people with less kids or no kids. I'm the 2nd oldest of 7 kids so I guess that helped some! I never set out to have six kids, like some people know they want a big family, that wasn't me. I love having my big family but I know it's not for everybody. I hope I am not making an okay situation a bad one. I just wanted y'all to know that I really appreciate those women who are mom's and also work outside of the home, or have a home-based business in addition to caring for their families. Also all the women who don't have kids and work, I'm impressed with that too! I didn't get all of my kids at once and so have gradually eased into the whole thing, plus my three oldest are big helpers! I hope this makes sense and you understand my heart in writing this.

P.S. Sorry Cathe for using this forum to post this. I am new to the whole forum thing and wanted to make sure the applicable people read this.

RE: I'm still on the six kids at 30....

Oh gosh Melissa - I hope I didn't offend you. Obviously, I don't have six kids and I was just trying to say how I think you are really lucky (we have four but not close in ages like yours). I hope you aren't upset by my post. I just think it's really cool! I love kids so much... Good luck on your fitness quest!
Hi Kim,

and everybody. Actually, this is my first time posting to this forum as well. I don't have any children...Two dogs, four cats! surely that counts for something! :) anyway...

Kim, it sounds like you're an intermediate. One of the questions is whether you find the coreography tough, or the intensity. Personally, I have no trouble doing Step Works, but find a tape like Interval Max to be difficult because I'm overweight and I'm in my forties (just lost 32 lbs!) and really have to baby my joints and knees, so plyos, richochets, and fast lunges really challenge me.

Generally, Cathe's earlier tapes are less coreographically challenging.

Re: Strength Training - Cathe is the best in the business as far as I'm concerned. I love Pure Strength. Sometimes, I'll break up Maximum Intensity Strength over a number of days.

Other fun, safe step instructors include Kari Anderson (Bench Works would be a terrific choice for you), Jay Blahnik (try Step 'n Sculpt w/Linda McHugh), Charlene Prickett is good, some people love Karen Voight.

Both VF and firmbelievers.com have trading forums, and firmbelievers allows sales, you might find some good bargains there. Half.com also has some good fitness bargains.

Good luck!

RE: I'm still on the six kids at 30....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-01 AT 02:41PM (Est)[/font][p]You TRULY didn't offend me at all, I thought you were very nice in your post to me. I probably didn't even need to mention that I have half a dozen kids! It's just they are the reason I'm on this fitness quest in the first place! (That's a good thing though!) I really was not offended and I hope I haven't made whoever else is reading think I am a freak (I'm just a little neurotic is all!) Sorry! Please forgive me! I was basically trying to say in my typical roundabout way that I think all women are great - whether they have 0 or 50 kids or 2 dogs and 4 cats.: ) I read my post and I can see how it may have seemed like I was offended, I wish the computer could take note of your tone of voice! I shouldn't have said anything - now I'm wondering if I should log on under a whole new name-what do ya think?! Hmmmm...
Thanks for the advice! I think at first I find both choreography and the intensity challenging! There seems to be 3 tapes that always get mentioned when people are asking for good starting out tapes: Step Heat, Step Works, and Mega Step Blast, so I think I'll decide between those three. Does that sound good? I think I am at intermediate level and that feels pretty good!
Mega Step Blast choreography is actually very much like the Wedding video but is a little tougher, a little more complex, and a little longer. I would suggest the Cross Trainer Express series for the following reasons--you get a lot for your money, you can do one cardio section or put two videos together for longer cardio, it is very time efficient, and it includes weight training. Weight training is absolutely essential if you want to lose extra pounds. We often think cardio is more important and kind of get lax in the weight department. You gotta do it though to get results. I hope this helps. Good luck in your endeavors. I will be telling my husband about you and your six kids. You sound so sane and well-managed in your life. We are about to start a family and I am a little concerned about keeping a balanced life of being a good mom but also giving back to myself. I am envious of your mothering abilities! Any advice you have on keeping balance would be greatly appreciated.

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