What to do?

farm girl

Hi everyone! I am very down this week because I cannot lose these last 5lb.. What am I doing wrong? I workout in the mornings for about an hour and a half, then I run about 3 miles in the afternoon. I workout 6 days a week. I also have 3 horses and I do the horse thing too everyday. I eat pretty good. I get about 1700 cals. and 40 grams for fat a day. Please help. I am also tring to get my legs a little smaller. I have been running for about 3 months and they have not changed any. How long will it take? Hope ya'll are having a better day.

Dear Robin,

I am no expert, but from the sound of your caloric budget and the amount of excersise you put in, it is conceivable that you are only getting about 1200 cals a day ( way too low ). I had a similar experience when I was losing a great amount of weight a couple of years ago. Too few calories to fuel my workouts. As soon as I added some good quality food to my diet--Bam! The weight loss and my mood improved. I am 5'3" weigh about 115-118 put in 45-90mins. of cardio a day ( depending on my running distance) and lift 4x's a week. I consume about 2000-2300 cal. a day-less my caloric expenditure of about 500 cal.This amount of food and excersise seem to be enough to maintain my weight. If I need to lose a few pounds, I simply eat about 250 cals. less, up my cardio, change the intensity, get MORE rest, and eat VERY well. That seems to do the trick. You might explore adding more food to your diet and resting a bit more. Good luck! DebD
Hi Farmgirl. Wow, you are busy! I have to agree, eat a little more. I'm trying to lose those last 5 stubborn pounds also, but I was also told to eat a little better. I weigh myself tomorrow, but last week I did drop 1/2 a pound. That's fine with me. Slow and steady wins the race! I can't wait to hear how you do.

Hi Robin,
I agree with Aimee, EAT WELL! Make those extra calories "intentionally good" for you food. Look at your diet and ask what you are lacking. We all have holes in our diets from time to time. Be good to yourself! Get some rest. Keep us posted. DD
Thanks for all the replys. How many cal. and fat do you think will do the trick? Here is what I eat a day: for breakfest a yoo-hoo in a can ( just love them!!! ) and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For a morning snack a instant breakfest. For lunch a frozen dinner about 350 cal. and 10 grams fat. For an afternoon snack cereal and milk. For supper a protein bar and fruit or fat free pudding. I drink milk and gatoraid throughout the day. THANKS!!!! Have A Blessed Day!!!
I just wanted to mention that I don't see any vegetables and hardly any fruit in your diet. Those are both so important, and vegetables especially are low calorie, low fat options. fiber can really help fill you up, and whole foods can fill you with nutrients!
Good luck!

Good call Wendy! When I first started my weight loss journey a couple of years ago, beside adding movement everyday, I added fiber to my diet--fruits, veggies, legumes, and water. I also made a concerted effort to choose leaner protein choices, and ate often enough ( every 2-3 hours) so that I didn't let myself get too hungry and make crazy choices. Good luck!
More vegies/fiber


It looks like you eat way too much sugar. There is tons of sugar in the yoohoo, peanut butter/jelly, pudding, and possibly the cereal. I think you should add more things like oatmeal, vegetables and legumes, and take out some of the empty calories. I hope the cereal isn't Fruit Loops!

Thanks for all ya'lls help. I wieghted today and I lossed 1.5lbs. I am sooo happy!! I hope I can keep it up. THANKS!!!!!!

Have A Blessed Day!!!
Hey Robin!

Atta girl! So,what changes did you make? It didn't take too long to shed the pound+. I'm happy for you! How do you feel? Do you feel like you are getting enough food to fuel your workouts? I would love to hear what changes you made. Good luck and thanks for letting us know how you are doing.

I loss it in my legs and my tummy. I do feel better. I have been eating more fruit and veggies. Thanks for all the help.

Have A Blessed Day!!!

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