What to do after STS cycle?


New Member
I am about to complete the STS program for the first time and have loved it! My question is what next? I found an answer to this question from Cathe posted in 2012, but with all the new videos since then is there an updated answer? I want to keep building strength and muscle definition. Do I do another cycle of STS or another series? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

I should add I am in my early 50's and have been working out for years. I love weight training and generally choose a lower impact cardio as, as much as I hate to admit it, it is easier on my body these days.
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You may enjoy XTrain's 90 day rotation. It is a very complete program and you use heavy weights in a split very similar to STS - chest/back/shoulders once per week, legs once per week and bis/tris once per week. As well it gives you the cardio workouts to do on the other days, including a cardio legs workout that uses the contrast training technique as used in Meso 3.

My personal opinion is that it is good to mix things up and to go back to STS a little later, not immediately after completion (I find once per year is good). Cathe's body building rotation back in 2012 recommends Gym Styles for 1 month after STS. That is still a great program and would give you good results. The ol' Slow and Heavy may be appropriate too. Hopefully Cathe will let us know what she thinks...
Thank you for your input Jane, it is appreciated and gives me a direction to start looking and planning.
Noticing this thread is a few years old...hoping maybe Cathe can pop on and answer/recommend...I too am getting ready to finish the STS program and would still like to lift heavy. Wondering what her recs would be as related to rest after the program and when and what to start back up with.

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