what to buy next of the new dvd's


New Member
need a little help trying to decide what to buy next - I really love my Low impact circuit dvd - the music is so fun and its a great workout and even though I am tempted to buy the rest of the new dvd's I honestly should only buy one or two -

any suggestions? have heard that cardio fusion is a butt kicker - but what about drill max - vs. B and G? I have a little trouble with things that are too jumpy - my body can handle high impact stuff but in limited amounts......

I need something that will scare the you-know-what out of the flab that wants to settle on my menopausal middle..........

thanks! laurie
If impact is an issue for you, consider getting Low Max from Cathe's Hard Core Series, and or the compilation disc from that series Hardcore Extreme, which has footage from Low Max mixed in with higher-impact routines in at least one of the workouts.

Low Max is a low-impact (one foot always remains in contact with the floor) step routine with traditional choreographed step sequences interspersed with blasts that are really good leg shapers. If you can handle a bit of impact there are places you can insert it.


Thanks A-Jock! I actually already have Low Max and Hardcore extreme and love 'em both but just looking for a little more variety - you can never have too much Cathe, you know! Was just wondering of the new dvd's - besides LIC, which would be a good purchase- I am always looking for new ways to workout to keep my body from becoming acclimated...

Maybe B&G's? That is the only one of the new ones besides LIC that is not high impact. Cardio Fusion is very high impact. Of course you could always modify! LD

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