What time do you workout?


You are lucky! I think the older ones could probably sleep through it but dh and the baby worry me. I might give it a shot one day just to see how it goes!

I admire all you disciplined morning exercisers! I did do morning workouts for a few years of my life but that was a long time ago. I am so not a morning person. I wish I was. I need water, coffee, and food in the mornings, but worse than that, it takes me a couple hours just to feel human in the mornings. I'm so stiff with several old injuries and some arthritis starting to settle in. I am quite a site hobbling around first thing in the morning. Fortunately I work at home and I'm able to juggle my schedule around to accomodate.
I'm not a morning person by any means, but that is the only time I can work out on a work day. I get home so late it would never get done then. No food first, as I wouldn't have time to let it "settle".

On a day off, it depends on what I'm doing that day but usually mid-afternoon.

My son is grown & out of the house so don't have that problem. Must be tough...I didn't work out much when mine was little.
Weekdays I work out between 5 - 6pm after I get home from work. I am just not a morning person:) I have more energy in the afternoons.

On the weekends I work out mid-day...anywhere between 11am - 3pm.

~ Polly
Monday-Friday I work out at 2:40 p.m. because that's when I get home from work and am changed and ready to go.

Saturday and Sunday I work out at 4:00 a.m. because that's when I wake up and there's nothing else to do at that time of morning, lol, and the rest of my day is usually busy! :D
I used to work-out in a spare bedroom and I did wake my husband up sometimes. Now I work out down the basement and he never wakes up. We are the only people in the house.
I am NOT a morning person. The very thought of getting up at 5am to workout makes me ill. Therefore I workout at around 7pm. It's the most convenient time for me. :)


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