What time do you workout?


I am wondering at what time all of you workout and why you choose that particular time?

I usually work out at night, around 10pm. It's not that I want to workout that late, but I have to wait until my baby sleeps. I tried working out in the early morning at 5am, but that's when my son wakes up for his early morning feeding. Plus, I always feel hungry and weak before morning workouts, so I can't do any intense cardio or weightlifting unless I eat breakfast. But eating breakfast would mean that I have to wait an hour for the food to be properly digested before working out, by then it would be 6am and I will be late for work.
I workout at 6AM if I have to go to work (Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri) and 7AM if I don't. I run every other day with a long run on the weekend, and do strength training on the other days. Ofcourse things don't always go as I want them too.

It feels great to already have done it and nothing can get in the way anymore of doing it. And I like telling my colleagues who workout too that I am done for the day:) Right now a group of us are getting ready for a race in September, and I am the only one who sticks to the training schedule}( Just love that feeling:) Then again, I am the slowest runner and I probably need the training more than they do.

Now that I have a job where I have to be somewhere everyday around 8:00 AM, I workout at 5:00 AM. There are also times I'll workout in the evening instead, but the majority of the times I'm working out in the early morning. It took me about two months to really get used to it. But to be fair, my daughter is 13. I couldn't do it if she was a baby. On weekends I workout in the morning as well.

I'm with Dutchie and Carol and also work out in the morning. Usually around 6 or so depending when I need to get to work. On mondays as I am off I sometimes do an afternoon workout escpecially with P90X doubles but my most effective workouts are in the morning. I would think it just depends on when you feel the best and have the time...:)...Carole
I'm usually working out between 5:30 and 5:45 a.m. I like starting my day knowing I've completed my workout.
I break up my workout(s) due to my schedule and the fact that I have a very active 3 year old.

I do abs (about 15 min) in the a.m. - I've got to get my son up and be out the door by 6:30.

Then I walk 3.5 miles at lunch from 11:30-12:15.

In the evenings (4-5 nights),usually around 5:00 or 6:00, I'll do one of Cathe's weight DVD's or use my elliptical machine.
I start my workout at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m.. It all depends how long is the workout. Like this morning, I did YogaX from P90X. It took me little over an hour and half. I can never do PM workout. I would end up stay up all night.
Morning exerciser here - I'm currently not employed full-time so my mornings are free. I try to start around 9AM, after my downstairs neighbor has left for work and any thumping from me won't bother her. Occasionally scheduling, laziness or other obligations get in the way and I can't work out until afternoon. I've never been able to work out in the evenings - the couch, the mail, the day's newspapers and my husband's company provide me with too many excuses not to get out my equipment and get to work.

I work out from 6am to 7am Monday through Friday. I start work at 8 about 5 blocks from my house so I have an hour to get ready after my workout.

On weekends, I usually get up around 7 and workout for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Then, if there's time I will try to squeeze in a workout weeknights at about 7 or so but that only happens about twice a week.

Have a great weekend everyone.:)
I workout at 4:45 a.m. Too many things keep me from doing it regularly in evenings. Once in a while I will do it when I get home from work at 5:30 p.m. I usually workout for 1 1/2 hours.

On weekdays I prefer to work out in the evenings, usually after 8pm. I find a long workout at night helps me sleep better, and keeps me from sitting in front of the TV and munching! However, I'm going to have to change that routine soon, because both DD's will be in school in a few weeks--my youngest has morning kindergarten--so I'll have mornings to myself, and I'll be foolish not to take advantage of that!

On weekends however, I like to workout in the mornings because my nights are always full!
I work p.t. evenings so I workout about 9 or 9:30 am. Sometimes, I workout after work at 9 or 9:30 pm. I prefer the morning though!

I know how difficult squeezing in a workout is, when you have small children. Do what you can and don't sweat what you can't do. (No pun intended:D ).
Wow, lots of morning exercisers here. Where did you guys get the energy to do intense workouts early in the morning? It could only mean that you guys take your breakfats first, right? In theory, I would love to exercise in the AM, but it'll be a year or two before I can manage that.
For those of you that get up early, do or did you have trouble getting up then? I am not a morning person. I am having trouble trying to find time to work out. My 2 year old gets up at 6 am and my other two boys shortly follow. I don't get all 3 into bed until 9. Then I just want to unwind and get ready for bed. I guess I was just wondering How do you do it? Did you just get use to getting up so early?
I workout around 7pm. I tried getting up in the morning before work to do it, but noticed by the end of the week I am completely exhausted. I need that extra hour of sleep every day or else it really catches up to me.

I've gotten so used to working out in the evenings now.

I like working out in the morning but my schedule won't let me. If I didn't work full time, I would definitely be a morning exerciser.
I usually start my workout around 5 p.m., but never later than 7 p.m. I've worked out earlier (4 p.m.) and later, but this seems to be the best time for me. After I workout, it's dinner time, and it's not so close to bedtime that it effects my sleep. Sometimes on weekends or days off I workout earlier, but not being a morning person, working out at 6 (I'm not even up yet!) or 7 (ditto!) in the morning just wouldn't work for me. I would NOT be a happy camper!
>If you are getting up at 4 A.M., what time do you go to bed?

Sorry. You did not address this to me I also get up around 4:30 a.m.
I need to go to bed by no later than 10 p.m. for me to up by this early and feel fresh so I can start the workouts. I do not eat but drink water before start.
I do both, morning & evening, mostly b/c of my work schedule, which is like 50-60 hours a week. So, on Mondays & Thursdays I do a cardio workout at about 6 am. Wednesdays I go to the gym after work & lift. Saturdays & Sundays I combine them both & spend about 2 hours in the gym both mornings.

Someone asked whether it's difficult to work out in the mornings--truth is, I LOVE doing my cardio in the mornings. It gets the blood flowing & starts my day right. Also, studies have shown that it's more effective to do cardio in the morning b/c you get your metbolism going & keep it going the rest of the day, as opposed to working out at night & then going to bed shortly after, thereby missing burning a little extra fat........

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