What should I do

I have been working out for a year I dropped the two dress sizes, but no matter what I do I cannot get that firm core section. In fact when Is sit down I have this very unattractive segment of fat! :( I walk on the treadmill 2 to 3 times a week lift weights of 5 to 12lbs. 2 to 3 times a week and go to yoga 2 times a week. I for most of the week eat healthy. I slip at least one day a week. My fat is mostly below my navel. I own resistance bands, stability ball what should I do to seal the deal on my body and maintain it.
While it's true that adding muscle anywhere melts fat all over if you want a DEFINED core you need to use core-targeted exercises for abdominal definition (and a stronger back) and a clean diet to rid yourself of the fat that covers up all your hard work. Get specific with the exercise, clean up your diet (I've read about a hundred times that diet is 90% responsible for the results you get), and have patience. Make sure you get a fair amount of cardio, also.

Hope this helps.
Ok, I'm going in the Right Direction.

I guess its going to take time also huh? I have been on a clean-diet and I am feeding my family that way also. Even though, they are passively resistant sometimes outright resistant. I just think after 28 days if I can't burn these 5-10 lbs off I will try going to a gym to use machines. Surgery is not an option but I am thinking about fat burners.
You may want to check your diet tp see if you are getting enough fat! I know that sounds crazy but if you are not getting @ least 15- 20% your body can go into starvation mode and prevent you from losing fat. I recently had my body fat tested hydrostatically. My BF is 15% which puts me in the 95 percentile for women my age (41) I am trying to get the visable fat off my legs and it seems impossible. above my waist I have no fat I am ripped but below butt hips and thighs, well lets just say it's all accounted for. Having my fat tested help me to realkize that I am actually not as fat as I thought and help to start to accept that I may not be able to lose all the fat off my legs!
Up the incline

Don't be afraid to increase the incline on your treadmill and work harder than you are used to. You might try HIIT. Also, make sure you are eating enough calories. You might try calorie cycling just 500 calories every other day. What I mean by that is on day one its 2000 calories and on day two its 1500. On day three its back up to 2000. Try adding an avocado (yeah I mean the whole thing!) and some extra chicken as a snack. Perhaps up your protein intake as well.

Remember that insulin is the enemy of weight loss and your body needs insulin to metabolize sugars.
Taking it all in

Thank you for your posts. Between these posts and the blog I know I need to keep a diary of what I eat. I am following several diets, the Eat-Clean Diet, the Flat-Belly Diet and Real Age. I seriously don't know if I eat 2000 calories a day. I include nuts in my diet but I have not really put any olives in my diet. So I will review my eating.

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