what should I buy next??


Can I bother you for your opinion? I currently have (on vhs unless noted):

CTX dvd
S&H series
sjp & sb dvd
terminator dvd

I can buy one dvd, and I'm torn between the following: low max, imax3, HSC or HSTA, KPC/L&G. Also, what about the original imax, which I hear is harder than the next 2? Imax 2 is my favorite...

Any thoughts on the best addition to my current collection????

My vote is HST or HSC, since you dont have cardio utilizing the high step.
Even though you didnt mention it, I'd also suggest MM for a total body weight w/o.
Well, just to keep with everyone else in totally confusing you...I say go for IMAX I. :D

Seriously, I really do like the Imax's...they are all terrificly (is that a word?) challenging!! I would also recommend Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max. And then the Gym Styles. Do you want me to keep going?;-)
You should go for something radically different from what you already have to maximize your training options and keep challenging that body. Hence, KPC is your best bet. You have no Kickbox listed and KPC is fabulous. Real creative, a challenge, and fun!

Oh, and it will make you look tough!

After that, get Lowmax. There's nothing else out there like it.

Hey I wish I could give you advice but I am going through the same dilema. I want to buy but can't decide! So many to choose from and I have to limit myself or all my money would be spent on cathe :) Good luck with whatever you decide!

I'm totally with Clare on this issue. Go for KPC/LG. You'll get 2 totally different workouts & then also the premixes. My next suggestion would have been BC/ME just because of the premixes & variety.

Have fun! Let us know what you ordered.

Thanks for all those suggestions! I should have added to my original post that I do Tae Bo, run, and occasional spin classes to mix up my cardio. I don't know - there hasn't been any other kickbox that I've liked as much as Tae Bo, so I'm reluctant to buy either CK or KPC.

I also have Legs & Glutes off Fitv and just add what was cut - that's why I didn't include that one.

I've heard so many good things about Low Max that I really want to try it, but also agree that I don't have any high step training cardio at all, so that would be an obvious selection. Uggh, see my dilemma?

I guess I'll have to do what many of you all do, and buy 'em both }(

Thanks again!

I have them off fit tv.....but I would buy Lo Max or KPC. If I had the money....I honestly think I would like to buy all of them! LOL

There's hardly any cardio in High Step training anyway. They are just circuit workouts in a new gimmicky format.

I can't imagine tae Bo is anywhere near as good as KPC. But...


Wow...I must really be missing something in KPC. I only saw the Fitv version, and it didn't raise my heartrate all that much, but there must be a lot cut out of it! I do really trust your opinions, so I think I'll go for it. I also have L&G off Fitv, but I can imagine the dvd offers so much more with the premixes, etc. Thanks for all the advice - I'll let you know what I think when it finally arrives!

Personally I would recommend the IMAX1 dvd. You already have tons of weight work, but seem to have little steady-state, advanced cardio. With the IMAX1 (Rhythmic Step+, I believe it's called), you get 3 awesome cardio workouts. Do you like BodyMax? IMAX1 and MIC were made around the same time as that workout, and are similar in flavour. They are very advanced, and will take your cardio to the next level, if that's what you're looking for.


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