What scenes from movies or TV always make you cry?

I cry at all of these movies. And the old dog's name was Shadow from Homeward Bound. I always tear up and my kids make so much fun of me. I use to cry at those stupid long distance commercials. In "real life" I hardly ever cry, but movies or TV watch out! Ordinary People hasn't been mentioned, I always cry and want to kill Mary Tyler Moore! She soooo mean to her son!!!!
What a fun post!
>A little known movie called "Shadowlands" starring Anthony
>Hopkins and Debra Winger. It is the true story of CS Lewis.
>AMAZING, yet will make you cry!!

YES! YES! YES! I love this movie; it is my absolute favorite of all time! The most moving movie of all time, especially the scene where she dies. It is so emotionally charged and so sweet to watch that I only watch it occasionally so I don't wear out the nostalgia to watch it.

Other movies that move me:

--Braveheart/Scene 'When Wallace dies; it makes me think of Christ's cruxification.'

--The Color Purple/Scene 'When Shug goes to see her father at the church and says, "sinners have a song too daddy."

--Out of Africa: Movie is so moving and filled with intensity. I love the part when Finch Hutton dies.

What a great thread!

I just bawled my eyes out last night watching the last 20 minutes of De-lovely! Everyone told me it was such a great movie and how much they enjoyed it, but I found it incredibly sad!
What a great thread..........

A Star is Born - when he's lying dead on the road and she keeps saying he's so cold then when she sings at the end.

Horse Whisperer - all of it pretty much.

Gone With the Wind - When Bonnie Blue dies, when Rhett leaver Scarlett, when Melanie dies, :( so many

Lord of the Rings - Return of the King when Aragorn says to the Hobbits at the end - My Friends, you bow to no one - and in the extended version, when Eomer finds Eowyn on the battlefield - that cry feels sooo dang real then when Faramir is looking at her in the houses of healing like he loves her so much.

Last of the Mohicans - all of the end

Of course, Terms of Endearment

Steel Magnolias

ahhhhhhhhhh the list could go on.........

I just bought Schindler's List, is about the Holocaust. I cry like a baby every time I see the end. When all the actors are with the survivors they played in the movie and they are putting rocks on top off Oskar Schindler's grave. This movie really makes me give thanks to God for the freedom we have in this country.

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