What results from CTX once per week?


I've been wondering if anyone has done the CTX one muscle group per day as is and what results you have gotten? Have you built more muscle, gotten more defintion or some other results? I'm using the PS tapes right now but was just curious since I've neveer used the CTX as a whole by itself. Thanks!
I am interested in answers to this too - my CTX series should be arriving at the end of the week.


Anna :)
I've seen great results with CTX once a week. I usually pair two body parts at a time or do the upper body split.

For example I might do chest and back Monday, legs and shoulders Wednesday, and bis and tris Friday. You can pair them however your want. I got a great CTX rotation from the VF site. If you'd like I can post it. I'm doing it right now. It is MUCH easier if you have the DVD's though!

When I am in training for a race I don't have a lot of time to devote to weights and will usually do CTX upper body split one day and some lower body work on another day.

I think the mixture of endurance and strength work in these vids is good. Everyone responds differently though! My muscles just seem to show more.

RE: Hi Nancy!---hey Debbie!!!

Interrupt away, no problem! Good to hear from you! I'd been off for a few months due to PC trouble but I'm back now! How have you been? How's that big girl doing? i'll send you an e-mail!
The rotation

This is just a two week rotation. I am on week 2, but am having so much fun with it that I'm gonna do it again. This is the way it was posted. I want to give credit to either Lisa C. or Tami Skelton over at VF.

Two week CTX rotation

Week I
Monday: Step and Intervals, Chest, Back and S&I stretch = 55mi.
Tuesday: any cardio plus Power Circuit Abs
Wednesday: Leaner Legs and Shoulders before abs and stretch = 59
Thursday: Kickbox, Tris, Bis, kickbox stretch = 61
Friday: Any interval cardio plus All Step abs
Saturday: Upper Body Split compilation, no abs = 61
Sunday: Yoga/Pilates/rest

Week II
Monday: 10*10*10, Chest, Back, 10*10*10 stretch = 57 minutes
Tuesday: any cardio plus Kickbox Abs
Wednesday: Leaner Legs and Shoulders (or PS Legs and Shoulders for variety)
Thursday: All Step, Tris, Bis, Stretch = 58 minutes
Friday: Power Circuit plus intervals from Step and Intervals before abwork
Saturday: any cardio plus All Step abs
Sunday: Yoga/Pilates/rest

I start on Sunday and rest on Saturday. For the Tuesday cardio I spin, which is an interval cardio for me. For the other free cardio day I usually do a lower intensity one, like Christi. On the first week I didn't do the upper body split the second time cause I was sooooo sore, and I was out of town.

I'm going to tweak it a bit next time around. On the week 2 I think I will do the upper body split instead of the Saturday cardio. I find if I do too much cardio it sends my appetite out of control!

Each day gives the body parts. So if it says All Step, bis, tris. That means just the All Step cardio. What is super great is all these workouts fit in just about an hour!

Let me know if you have any questions.

I'm in the middle of my first week of a CTX rotation (which I plan to continue for a few weeks, maybe up until I get my Intensity DVDs). I've been doing 2 body parts per day in the weight work, and will be getting in each routine twice this week. My split is : Saturday/Wednesday Power circuit (legs/back/abs) with chest; Sunday/Thursday,All step (shoulders); Monday/Friday, Kickbox (biceps) with triceps; Tuesday off. I can do this now because I'm still on vacation, but once my teaching starts again, I won't have 6 days a week to exercise (and I'll have less energy because I'll have more obligations). Then, I'll switch to a program that fits into my schedule, which will work each body part once a week (legs twice): Sunday Leaner legs, Monday off, Tuesday circuit with chest; Thursday all step (shoulders); Saturday kickbox (with triceps).
Thanks kathryn and Andrea! I'll copy these rotations so just in case I decide to try it out, I can do it while I wait on my Intensity DVD's. It looks good! I never add a stretch/pilates/yoga day so it's something to consider.(especially since I have zero flexibilty) :)

You can really boost your flexibility by adding on some stretches after your weight work, when the muscles are nice and warm. Even with good intentions, I don't usually get in much targeted stretching like yoga or pilates, but I've definitely improved my flexibility by adding in some additional stretchiing during and after weight workouts, or after cardio workouts.

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