What next after PS series?


Just finished an 8 week PS rotation. Should I move to an endurance rotation (like Power Hour) or onto a S&H rotation? Thanks for all of your input!
Hi jillybean :)
Personally, I love capping off a PS rotation with 3-4 weeks of Slow & Heavy. It seems whatever definition was "right on the edge" of sprouting out comes out during that rotation of S&H.
Then usually after I come off the S&H I do a few weeks of endurance with PowerHour and CTX, then back on to PS Series and start the cycle again. :)
I pretty much steered away from purchasing S&H because I have 60 #s to lose and am an hourglass/pear and thought that might add too much bulk. Do you think purchasing this would be a good idea or not?
Hi Katrid,

I don't have the S&H series, but my understanding is that if your goal is to get toned and look leaner then sticking with high repetition and lighter (whatever that may be for you) weights is the answer. Lifting heavier weights at a slower pace is good for adding mass, say you want more calf muscle or want to add mass to the rear. I'm an hourglass too and tend to avoid lifting heavy weights because I add mass rather quickly. HTH.
I say try S&H....

They say everyone is different, but I've been using S&H in rotations WHILE losing 180lbs, so can it help you lose weight and get lean? I'd have to say yes! :)

The more muscle you build, the more fat you burn! And please don't think that when you have fat to lose that means you shouldn't lift weights~wrong! I've been lifting since I weighed 375lbs and although I couldn't see the muscle I was building, I could feel it, and because I've weight trained through all the lost pounds, I believe it's why I don't have loose skin like so many women who lose large amounts of weight. I'd been overweight all my life, and everyone, my Dr. included, expected me to have a lot of loose skin, but it has firmed up as I've lost. And I've actually had better weight loss results from heavy lifting (PS Series,MIS and S&H) than I have with endurance style and lighter weights. But I'd get S&H and see what it does for you. It has done great things for me. Cathe changed everything for me with one quote,"Don't be afraid to lift heavy, it can do great things for you!" I took that in and applied it, and never looked back!
So I vote for trying S&H! :)
RE: I say try S&H....

S&H worked well with my shoulders and arms...it thinned them out fast which I found surprising ( have fat arms ). I needed to add mass to me butt and legs and the S&H leg workout was exactly what I needed. I was so happy because in comparison it was much easier and more manageable than LL or Standing Legs and it did what both tapes failed at : giving me some lower body mass. What I didn't like though was that the chest and back worked as intended too. So I use arms and legs but have cut out that workout and subbed with a less heavy chest and back routine.
RE: Katrid - listen to Donna

Although I do not have the Slow and Heavy series, I know enough about it to know it can be an invaluable addition to your workout program.

Far too many exercisers, especially women exercisers, are terrified of "bulking up" through strength training, and overrely on "endurance" oriented muscle conditioning. To paraphrase Donna, when you build muscle you burn more calories, and even more importantly you become more functionally fit.

Without strong substantial muscles there is no effective cardio or muscle endurance work. One of the ironies of human physiology is that strength training will assist in cardio and muscular endurance training, BUT cardio/endurance training will NOT assist in strengthening! Not fair, but that's the way it is.


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