What kind of dog are you?

That was fun! I'm some kind of tiny little Italian greyhound that is very delicate and high maintenance. LOL!!
Swedish Vallhund. Never heard of it, but it looks like a Corgi with a darker coat. The graphics were really clever. Whoever designed that site should get some kind of award!
This is great! I am a Staffordshire Bull Terrior, not to be confused with a Pitt Bull! It perfectly describes me, though, "family guard....loyal and adores children....in a ruckus with other dogs it usually ends up the victor." I don't know if I always end up the victor, but I do love a good rumble now and again!
Holy Moly! I am this big white bushy thing called a Komondor!! Okee dokkee...never heard of that one!

Cool test, thanks!!
What a cool site! I'm a cavalier king charles spaniel. How regal sounding. Hairy dog though. That'd aggravate my allergies.:)

I was wanting to be a rottweiler(sp?).

>I'm a Shiba Inu (never heard of it before!).

Think small Akita. Very aggressive Japanese breed used for fighting.

A Pomeranian?? I don't really think I like Pomeranians. Why couldn't I be a German Sheppard? I love my mini dachshund and I would gladly be her!

Maybe if I take the test again....
>Holy Moly! I am this big white bushy thing called a
>Komondor!! Okee dokkee...never heard of that one!
>Cool test, thanks!!

Looks like we both like to guard the herds!

The Komondor: http://www.akc.org/breeds/komondor/index.cfm

I'm the dark version: http://www.akc.org/breeds/puli/index.cfm

I think they are both Hungarian breeds, that are very loyal, but aloof with strangers. One of my former neighbors had a Komondor - that's a lot of dread locks! Wonder how in the Darwinian process that this worked!

My dogs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, & I actually do resemble each other. Athletic, they have a ridge on their spine & I have short, spiky hair. Some shared personality traits too.


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