I'm finally breaking down and going to see a doctor about a problem that's been going on for months (and months and months). Lower back pain (I have scoliosis) and also pain/stiffness in my left hip. It doesn't feel like sciatica. I've had bursitis in this hip before and I just don't know if I should see a sports doc thinking that's all it is or if it's time to go to a spine/scoliosis clinic in town. One doctor at the spine clinic is a osteopathic doctor so maybe that's the way to go?? So not wanting to get on the "treadmill" of doctors and tests and more doctors but this is getting ridiculous. Started doing yoga in February, getting therapeutic massage, quit most of my running, started doing Horizontal Conditioning to strengthen my hips and core and things really aren't any better.
Just curious if anyone out there with experience or someone in the medical field has any suggestions. Thanks!
Just curious if anyone out there with experience or someone in the medical field has any suggestions. Thanks!