What keeps everyone motivated?

Hi everyone-
I need a few words of advice. Every so often I just don't feel like exercising. I need good thoughts and vibrations here. What keeps everyone motivated? If I take one thought everyday it may help me though those "Slothy" days. Also-those of you who teach exercise classes-what keeps you going? Thanks guys your the best. KB
A slide show screen saver of my favorite playboy bunny while I work out! Maybe not realistic but it works to keep me doing the cardio! Plus Men's Fitness with the hot guys on that magazine!
Hi KB!

FULL-SIZE mirrors in my house!!!!! Tee-Hee! The main thing that keeps me going is all the heart disease history I have in my family. I teach classes and there are days (few & far between thankfully) when I think, oh man, I don't want to go teach this afternoon, BUT, there has NEVER been a day when I finished that class that I didn't feel sooo much better. In other words, JUST DO IT! Your body will thank you once you release all those endorphines. This is not to say that there are days that you shouldn't take a break. Breaks are good & healthy too. You need to determine if your body is telling you that you need a break or if it is laziness. Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Motivation!

There was a thread once on a different forum that said, "Pick two words that motivate you to stay fit." Some of the answers I recall are:
"Thunder Thighs"
"Heart Disease"
"I Can"
and my personal favorite:
"Lane Bryant"
We all have different things that motivate us, just like we all have different things that discourage us. For me, it is buying a pair of pants that are just a smidge too tight. Once they fit, it motivates me to either keep them that way, or lose even more weight so I can drop down a size (and go shopping again!) Have fun at whatever it is you do - that for sure is motivation!
RE: Motivation!

Negativity!!!! I thrive off of it! What got me dieting in the first place was this fat guy at work on the afternoon shift. I came in early to work (I work midnights) he says to me, "God, Kelly, What have you been eating?" He says this in front of everyone! I snapped back, "What have YOU been eating?" (looking him up and down) He says, "Everything!" Yeah, I kinda put him in his place, but it still made me mad. A fatter person telling me I am fat basically! GRRRR! LOL!

I love when someone tells me I can't do something. My boyfriend told me that he didn't think I could lose weight because my eating habits were so bad, he thought I could never change. I always get the "I will show you" attitude.

Oh, and my boyfriends ex wife telling him that I have a big butt! Hmm..now I am 20 lbs lighter, whos butt is bigger now? LOL! You guessed it....HERS!

Anytime I don't want to work out, I think about the mean things that have been said to me and I workout harder and longer. I just get attitude! LOL! Negativity is my biggest motivator.

RE: Motivation!

This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:eek:oam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
RE: Motivation!

This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:eek:oam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
RE: Motivation!

This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:eek:oam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
RE: Motivation!

So sorry-didn't mean to post three times here. This is what happens when you are having conversations with twins and posting at the same time. KB
I love this quote - I think I read it here:

"DO or DO NOT. There is no TRY." - Yoda

And, another is:

"NO is not an option."

I feel like crap when I DON'T workout, and I feel so great when I DO, so I try to remember that feeling (but, it doesn't always work).

You will never regret exercising, but you will almost always regret NOT exercising.

And, finally, my signature is the mantra that goes through my mind when I'm running my 3rd mile and I just want to stop because some days it is SO hard, but I know I'll be cruising after that.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Funny like someone said it's one thing for the initial motivation (usually cute guys for me!) then trying on a smaller size (for continued motivation) --- for me the NEGATIVE motivation does NOT work - just leads to frustration -

My current goal is to be my ALL time best shape - I do NOT do well with age - so looking my best at 41 is my current goal - (at times I think I may be reaching a bit too high) but that's my goal!

Funny how (at least for me) its usually something superficial that gets me going - then once I'm into it - if I dont I feel awful (grumpy) etc
I went to a wedding reception on friday night and I saw people I haven't seen in a while. One girl has three kids and she had to be about 250lbs and I kept thinking I can't let that happen to me. The other thing that keeps me motivated is the negative talk from alot of people I know like " just let it come it's inevitable to get fat" this is my favorite one "you'll never lose your hips and thighs"and everytime I workout I think of all those negative comments and I just keep going. I'm one of those people that if you tell me I can't do something I want it even more.

I hope that doesn't sound shallow and of course the health benefits that come along with working out. I also keep pictures up that motivate me. I had a friend say to me one time. "Why do you have that woman on your refreigator and I said it's for motivation. I think alot of people find that strange hey, whatever works. Take care

Hmmm...let's see.
The compliments I've been getting since I peeled off 20+ pounds.
I feel great, and want to continue feeling that way.
I saw some pictures of myself at Christmastime. OMG! I refuse to be that person any more!
I'm healthier.
I've more confidence.
And when the self-talk fails, you can always go out and buy a new toy. I want one of those big balls. (What are they called, anyway?)
I stay motivated by getting others to work out. When I fall off the wagon, they make me feel guilty!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
When I was losing weight last year, my motivation was my progress. I could see and feel the progress.

Now that I've reached my goal (reached it in January! :D And no threat of fatty weight gain at ALL because I keep on Cathe-ing!) my motivation is that I want to stay thin, and never be as big as I was before. And I love wearing my new smaller sizes, and I feel great. The repercussions I would have from NOT working out would be horrible! So I keep going!
Working out gives me the energy to keep up with my two year old!

Also I can physically do things that others can not. I recently went walking with my neighbors, thinking that we would go around the 3 mile path around our neighborhood . The other women I was with went like a 1/4 of a mile and said this is as far as we go and we don't do hills. Geesh!

Love reading these wonderful responses!

For me it's remembering when I was 45 lbs heavier. (Back in the college days! and after each baby!) Also I just do not like tight clothes on me. Especially jeans!

This is true and what keeps me motivated. I read Cathe's forum everyday. Even if I don't post, I read. Everyone on this site encourages me to keep going. I feel a sense of community and a connection with this outstanding and funny crowd.

When I've read about the goals some of you ladies have and have accomplished, it really keeps me going!


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