I received the S&H series for Christmas but just now got around to doing them - I am in my third and final week.
I am loving this series!! I really feel strong when I am doing the work and really feel worked afterward.
Also, I am such a wimp on lunges and if I do them (on other tapes) I use very light weights or even no weight at all. On S&H I use a 25 lb barbell and I swear it has given me so much confidence; I threw in a day of ME and used 14 lbs on the lunges which is a huge amount for me!!
If nothing else, this series has extraordinary form pointers and gives you the determination to go as heavy as possible because you only do 8 reps at a time - you can do anything for 8 reps, right?
Anyway, in case you couldn't tell, I highly recommend this series - have fun!