What is your most favourite rotation... ever ?


Hi All,

I am just wondering what is your MOST favourite tape rotation ? The rotation that gave you the most joy or results ?

yours, being nosey,
Anna :)
Hi Anna,

By now I am sure that you have heard mention of the infamous "Tank Top Rotation." I had amazing results with this rotation while I was in training for a marthon earlier this year. My rotation went something like this:

Monday: PS Upper Body Total AM/ 30 Minute Run PM
Tuesday: Leaner Legs/ CTX Kickboxing
Wednesday: CTX Biceps/Shoulders/Triceps/ 60 minutes varied cardio
Thursday: 60 Minutes varied cardio
Friday: MIS Total
Saturday: Long Run (anywhere from 8-22 miles!)

Now that the marathon is over, I have cut back a little on my cardio, obviously we don't run 22 miles every week. But, I have still been seeing some nice changes. My sister-in-law has also been doing this program with me and has seen some nice results.
Okay activegirl's rotation puts this one to shame, however, this is my favorite rotation and I can ALWAYS do it for 8 weeks. Most rotations I get tired of in 4 weeks.
Sat. PS C/S/T CTX Step Intervals
Sun. PS B/B/A CTX 10-10-10
Mon. PS SL&A
Tue. Imax
Wed. MIS
Thu. Step Works
Fri. Rest

I love the fact that during the 1st 4 weeks of this rotation I usually use a 35# barbell for some exercises, but by the 6th or 7th week, I'm using 40 or 45 lbs. I also love doing the same cardio videos everyweek of a rotation because that way I can really nail the choreography and concentrate instead on intensity. If I modify intervals 8 and 10 of Imax one week, then it's a goal to only modify interval 10 the next week, etc. Have fun!
have to ask!

Did you really train for a marathon w/ 2 runs per week or did varied cardio include running?

I can't imagine doing MIS lower body work the day before a long run! My hat is off to you!!
RE: have to ask!

:-wow I too want to know the answer to Debra's question. There is no way I would even be able to find the time to do the TTR while training for a race.

I'd like to hear what activegirl has to say also! I barely have time to squeeze in runs in the evening when I get home from work. The only reason I am able to put in more miles running now is because I'm taking 2 vacation days per week until late December. Otherwise I'd only be able to get in a mile or 2 on the treadmill at the Y (they close at 8) during the week. The weekends of course I'd have more time, no restrictions at all. I'd like to do a half marathon in April.

So activegirl, how do you do it? How do you find the time to run, lift weights, work, tend to your family, etc? I would really appreciate any advice on how to work this all out! :)

Hi, Anna!
I don't have a rotation per se but I do have a plan that really works for me.

First of all it is wimpy compared to the other rotations posted here but it works for me, maybe because I am prepared to wait longer for results. I work out a 5 in the morning so that's why I almost never work out more than 59 minutes! Also, I only work out 5 days a week.

Each week I must do upper body strength once, lower body strength once, abs at least twice, and cardio at least twice.

Some weeks I have a heavier lifting rotation where I cut cardio frequency to just once, and also, intensity is down too. But then I swing back up.

I can change it to include the tank top muscles (bi, tri, shoulder) one extra time per week and I have done that sometimes too.

I have made a log with a check-off form so I can see at a glance what I need to check off to round out the week. I can pick any strength and any cardio I want. Slow and Heavy I reserve for the heavy weeks when I don't have too much else going on- maybe have a short work week- because that series does take some energy out of me that week.
Sorry that it has taken me so long to get to post. This weekend has been crazy. Well, to answer your questions, I trained for the marathon with my sister-in-law. I am prone to shin splints, so I really can't run more than twice or at most three times a week. Also, we both work full-time, so we couldn't squeeze in really long runs more than once a week on Saturday. So, we do our lifting at 5:00am. For the half an hour or hour run during the week, we never had time for more than at most five miles. If possible, we might try to squeeze in a 3 mile run later in the week, but often my shins/ankles/knees just needed a rest from impact. So, we did a lot of cross training, including swimming, spinning, hiking, walking, cathe videos, kickboxing, etc. On Friday nights we would drive the route that we wanted to run the next day, and measure out our mileage. Believe me, it is scary to drive 20 miles and realize you have to run it the next day! I would like to say that when we started training last April I could hardly run one mile, so if I was able to do, then I know anyone can! Running a marathon was an amazing experience, and in my opinion, the actual marthon was only about 30% physical endurance and 70% endurance. If you decide to train for a marathon you will discover that there are many little tricks you have to play on yourself mentally. For instance, my sister-in-law and I had a difficult time running out and back runs, or runs where you run out to a certain point and then back the same way. So, we would always park one of our cars at the end of our runs and drive to the beginning. I didn't get so bored this way. If anyone has any questions about the marathon, I love to talk about it, so let me know. I apologize for such a long post!

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