What is your middle name?


..and does it hold special meaning or significance?

My middle name is Mae, named after my paternal grandmother, Mae Day.

Angela Mae ;)
Hey Angela!!
My middle name is Rae !

I thought that was neat we both have a name that is usually spelled with a 'y', but is 'ae' in ours!

Oh, y'all have such cool middle names!

Mine is Ann....my mother must have still been in a drug induced state when she named me!

Dani Jo: You look like your name...sweet and hip!

Mine is Yvette. I've answered to Yvette quite a bit being that there are 5 Marlas in my family. I am the second Marla so I can get territorial. My favorite aunt is the 1st Marla. She is so cute too!


P.S. Angie, your middle name is perfect.
Mine is Fay. So, Deborah Fay. I was named after my paternal great grandmother.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Mine is Fay. So, Deborah Fay. I was named after my maternal great grandmother.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

great thread!
My mother has 3 sisters:
I'm Valerie Adele and Teresa is my godmother
Valerie (Adele) ;-)
>Mine is Ann as well. My parents were so lazy, they couldn't
>bother to tack an "E" on the end.

LOL!!! Mine too Becky!

Let's see, my name is Christine and I was born in 1964. My middle name HAS to be Marie, and it is. In my elementary class of 25 kid, there were 3 Christine Marie's and 1 Christina Maria.

I've legally changed it to my dd's last name to make things easier. So now it's Jordan. But for 30 long years, it was Marie.
>My current middle name is my maiden name...couldn't let it

I considered doing that too, Sarah! I ended up not though...so therefore I have no middle name...My mom never gave us middle names...

My baby's middle name is Howard...after my dad-God rest his soul. My son will never meet his grandpa. My dad died of cancer in 95. He was only in his late 50's. Pisses me off every time I think about it. I named my son in his memory.

I considered keeping my maiden name for the same reason...in memory of my dad...having my son named after him is better though. :)

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