What is your favorite pilates video?


Hi again,

I just have to ask: What's your favorite pilates tape and when do you like to fit it into your rotation?

I'm looking for a pilates video particularly for abs and maybe flexibility. If it is something that will work well on a 'rest' day I won't mind focussing on back and buns too!

I'd appreciate any comments as I get bored way too easily (even have a hard time doing the same rotation 2 weeks in a row). Mind you I never get bored with Cathe. Thank God she has such a great selection! I'm very picky when it comes to video exercise, it can only be Cathe! But until she comes out with a yoga or pilates video, I guess I have to try someone else for those darn 'rest' days.

Thanks again,
Hi Jodi

I read on the forum awhile back that the next tapes Cathi come out with will possibly include yoga/pilates on one of her tapes. (someone correct me if I am wrong) But like you I get bored very easily and have not found any other tapes in this area that appeal to me. (I have tried several). Sorry, I realize this does not help you any.

I just bought Kathy Smiths Pilates for Abs video. I like it, but it will take some time for me to get my form down and get the benefits of pilates. She was very helpful with questions that I had posted on her forum. I am also going to take a class at our local fitness facility to help with form. I also have Jennifer Kries Toning video, but I like Kathy Smith style better.
Hey Jodi - I use Jennifer Kries' Precision Tonining. I use it on an off day. I don't actually like it very much as I get bored with lots of floorwork etc. But I persevere with it because it really works for me. It increases my flexibility, makes my butt and thighs a bit sore and really targets my lower abs.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-02 AT 11:26PM (Est)[/font][p]I like Hilary Burnett's Pilates Intermediate. It's like The Method (J Kries) except a different personality. It's a little warmer, IMO.
I alternate the two Denise Austin videos - Denise Austin's J.H. Pilates Matwork and her new one Power Yoga Plus. Both of them have two 20min workouts. The first tape has a basic pilates workout and a Yoga workout. The second tape has a 20 min pilates routine with different exercises from the first and a yoga routine. I love them because they are short yet challenging. My abs have definiately improved since I have been doing pilates.

I also have the Stott intermediate Mat workout. It is good but so Slooooow. I tend to like faster paced workout, but it is a good tape and I recommend.
bebop, what are the two power yoga segments like

i have denise's pilates tape, and i like the second half a lot more than the first half. i was wondering if the segments in the power yoga tape are like the second half of the pilates tape. would the power yoga tape be a good investment for me?
RE: bebop, what are the two power yoga segments like

lawchick, when you say second half do you mean the yoga section?

The power yoga tape is set up the same way as the first. There is a pilates workout and a yoga workout. I like the yoga workout on the second tape better because it is slower and easier to follow. She doesn't have those artsy shots of her out in nature. It seems to flow better too. The pilates routine moves faster than the first tape and it is one on one. There are different exercises and a short arm series with weights. If you like the first tape you will like this one.

The only thing you should know is that it has a lengthy commercial for her tapes in the beginning. Also, before each workout she adds on an "artsy" film of her stretching and then a short "talk" to the audiance about the workout. These sections are annoying but you just fast forward past them. I read a review about this tape and almost didn't get it because the person who reviewed it didn't like these sections. Just fast forward to the workout you want.
I'd say the same thing about Precision Toning: boring but effective. I've never had anything work my deepest lower ab muscles like that tape does. Just curious: how often do you (anyone) do Pilates? Do you use it as a strength workout, an ab workout, or on a day off?
Hi Majo
This isnt called a pilates video, but it basically is--
Karen Voight core essentials abs & back video is great. I take a pilates class, and this is the best video I have found to do as an extra day of pilates. Its all ab work, and great back strengthing exercises. Karen is great, and it moves really fast, I think it runs about 45 min.
good Luck
Jayne F
Voight's Body Reform

I second Jayne's recommendation but pick Voight's Body Reform Abs & Back over Voight's Core Essentials (it's not clear which Jayne recommended). Voight has several pilates "inspired" videos. While I prefer classic Pilates, Voight might be a better choice for someone who likes a perkier, faster moving workout. Stott & Jennifer Kries are great Pilates instructors but if they put you to sleep, there's no benefit. You won't get the detailed form pointers with Voight but you'll still hit the core - hard.

Someone asked how to mix Pilates workouts with other workouts. It's generally just ab/lower back with flexibility work. You might do a little isolation work on the legs &/or some upper body work with bands, but it's not enough to count as a strength workout. Ideally, I do Pilates after a long cardio workout. If it's a weight training day, I skip the ab section.
Thankyou all so much for your informative responses! I had to save it all, print it out and keep reading it over. I'm still not sure what I'll invest in. Maybe I'm trying to put it off long enough to give Cathe a chance to bless us with her version of yoga/pilates which of course goes without saying that it will be the best and well worth waiting for!
I hope you all have a very energetic and productive Spring! So nice to get out and enjoy the warm weather.
Thankx again,
There's a core breakthrough one that I don't mind much. Most pilates tapes put me to sleep but this one has 2 instructors in addidas outfits who are not hokey.

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