What is your favorite movie?

any christmas movie, especially It's a Woderful Life. Oh, also Fight Club (which is my all-time favorite!)

Also forgot to mention

When Harry met Sally (how could I forget - my alltime favorite)
Sleepless in Seattle
Forrest Gump
Pirates of the Caribean - The black pearl
Miss Congeniality I

Kind of silly movies, but feel-good-movies!

Pride and Prejudice(New version,2005)LOVE IT!
Gone with the wind

soooo many more,those are my top three!
Pirates of the Caribbean- all of them:D

I also loved Sandra Bullock in "While You Were Sleeping"
Twister - action/adventure
Star Wars - all of them!
This is Spinal Tap - too funny!
Eddie and the Cruisers - nostalgic
I'm shocked, shocked to see that there's gambling going on here!

Sir, your winnings....


Are my eyes really blue?
Godfather I-II-III
Air Force One
Independence Day
Indiana Jones series
Casino Royale

As you can see I like good action and maffia moves.:)
"4 Weddings and a Funeral" is probably the only movie that fits into this category for me.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a possible other.

"Whale Rider" bears repetition.

"The Illusionist" is my fave film of this year's crop.

I also love "galaxy Quest" because its so bloody funny and a great Star Trek piss take.

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>Like Water for Chocolate
Lorrie, 2 of my most favorite books!!!:)

"Galaxy Quest" is totally hilarious!!!! It's the only movie with Tim Allen I liked.

Absolutely hooked on all the Lord of the Rings movies

Also, Million Dollar Baby, even though it makes me sob!
And, the Fisher King, also makes me bawl like a baby

When Harry Met Sally
The Usual Suspects
Can't Buy me Love (patrick dempsey at 19 enuf' said)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
All About Eve

Oh man, I can't pick just one...a few I can think of off the top of my head:

Dr. Zhivago
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
V for Vendetta
A Fish Called Wanda
Magic Christian
The Wall



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