What is your favorite "cheat food"?

RE: What is your favorite

I have raging PMS and this thread is killing mex(

Let's see:

Anything with pastry - it doesn't even have to be GOOD pastry:p Pies, tarts, turnovers, strudel, etc. etc.
French fries
Graham crackers with pb

Great. Now I'm hungry.
RE: What is your favorite

LOL Shelley so sorry to add to your PMS temptation.

If it is any consolation I had to sit an open house yesterday where I had brought snacks for the attendees - meaning chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, muffins and cinnamon rolls.....then the homeowner had my favorite cheat food; Ho Ho's in the fridge!!

I did prevail and not take any....but it took all I had in me!!

RE: What is your favorite

>I have raging PMS and this thread is killing mex(
>Let's see:
>Anything with pastry - it doesn't even have to be GOOD
>pastry:p Pies, tarts, turnovers, strudel, etc. etc.
>French fries
>Graham crackers with pb
>Great. Now I'm hungry.

All I had to do was copy Shelley's list. Another grahams-and-PB junkie, who'd have known it?? :)

Add to this list:
Chocolate-covered almonds or Raisinettes
MOVIE THEATER POPCORN (that's the list-topper for me! :))

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
RE: What is your favorite

It would be easier for me to say what's NOT my favorite cheat food. That would be donuts. Otherwise, cheese, wine and chocolate are my downfalls.

RE: What is your favorite

Oh, glad I just ate a healthy lunch as I'm sitting at home with temptation all around me! :)

My favorite cheats ...

Chocolate - doesn't matter what - as long as it's chocolate or chocolate flavored!

My DH's Indian Food (and Indian food in general).

A really good Pinot Noir (fortunately can't afford to drink TOO much).

And I most certainly have to agree on the Nachos - the cheesier the better - and please, pass those unwanted jalepeno's my way, I love 'em! I also crave Chili's steak quesadillas...
RE: What is your favorite

Well I do not have cheat days but my hubby makes a Dairy queen run 3-4 times a week and I love the watermelon mr misty float easy on the watermelon and heavy on the ice cream. Fresh donuts and brownies. Hawaiian sweet bread smothered with butter once a week for dinner. Kettle Chips salt & Pepper flavor dipped in French Onion dip or the Pringles mesquite chips dipped in Ranch chip dip. I will be having these tonight.

RE: What is your favorite

Oh, I forgot to add:

Cheese, salami and crackers (I could live off this stuff)
Doughnuts (although this is the one cheat food I hardly EVER indulge in)


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