What is your fave Weight lifting videos


I usually buy Cathe Dvds for purely weight lifting. Do you have any other dvd suggestion.
My faves tend to be slow and heavy..(sts slow heavy............)

Thank you
To @iamfirmin

I can sense you like building weight segment and are not looking for cardio.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I have read your comment about Burnset X-Train.
Hello fellow hypertrophy lover, I love burnset too:p:p

Now you can purchase the weight segment from Body Blast series. It is rated as an intermediate but it can
get challenging depending on the weight selection. The speed is slower than RwH Series. It is not as intense as
Burnset either.Here below is the link:


Superset contain building --- of course it was designed to cater for home exercisers. So it is not
hardcore bodybuilding as set in gyms.

Push and Pull is "total toning segment"

That said this dvd only contain weight, there is no cardio. HTH:):)
I really love Pyramid Upper and Lower Body. When I am on the lowest weight/highest rep part, I can concentrate on form and squeezing my muscles, and when I am on the highest weight/lowest rep part, I can concentrate on lifting the dumbbell. I also like the music and for some reason, the workout just flies by.
I just love the entire Cathe collection. I am so happy I own 98%. PLB and PUB are fun for sure.

I love doing PLB with Barbell. First time I had to step up with Barbell felt a bit odd but when my glutes responded
within seconds, I knew I was into some good adaptation. I felt right in the middle of the cheeks:p:p
The pump is just awesome for both upper and lower body:):)

Yes It is hard for me to choose favourites!
I have pyramid... its an oldie but goodie.. I think after Meso 3 . I going back to some of the weight lifting oldies..

I am doing meso 3 too, Loving it even more than last time I did it.
I usually prefer meso 2 --- Hypertrophy. I am considering tweaking meso 3 next time by lowering
reps --- I will do 5 or 4 reps. It's just a test to see how my body will respond for 6 to 8 weeks.

There are so many to do but less time:)
Do you do Lower body pyramid with Barbell or Dumbbells?
Another vote for the Pyramids! I love that I have gone up in weight since I started doing this one years ago. It is a great challenge, even to this day! I have it memorized so it's a great one to do in hotel workout rooms when I travel.

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