what is your fave Cathe cardio (so far)


I was not even close with the actual spelling, but am tickled to know the real name and source. Thanks!

Favorite cardio.

Mic is my absolute favorite. (My picture under my info is me doing MIC.) That is one tape I'll never get tired of. Stepworks is a close second. I did do that combo, Nancy, that you suggested, Bodymax first part and then the MIC step part. What a blast!!
that is such a hard question but if I had to pick

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-01-00 AT 10:35PM (EST)</font></center>

right now I would say Powermax. I got that tape, tried it out and put it away because I thought it was too hard to learn the choreography. A year later, I pulled it out and found it easy to learn and so fun! I kept saying to myself, "I can't believe I let this sit in my cupboard for so long".

In any event, I just got Step Fit recently and really like that one too. Step Works also rates up there too.

Heck, I absolutely love them all - each and every one that I own. I have just got into the trading thing at VF and absolutely will not trade even one of my Cathe tapes.

There, now I have said it.

Thanks for asking.

Great Pix Val!!

I think that is cute that your dog watches Cathe too!! I'll have to give this combo a try. I love BodyMax and I just got into MIC, so I'll have to splice them together!!
Where is your picture?????????

>Mic is my absolute favorite. (My picture
>under my info is me doing
>MIC.) That is one tape
>I'll never get tired of.
>Stepworks is a close second.
>I did do that combo, Nancy,
>that you suggested, Bodymax first part
>and then the MIC step part.
> What a blast!!

Where is your picture?????????
Under my info.

Just click on the info button after my post, and you should see it.

Thanks, Debbie. MIC is Coco's favorite, too!!
Val's picture

When I click on your info button I get a message that says something like No User Profile. Weird.

I usually go on line with Internet Explorer, but I also have Netscape on my computer. If you try to look for my info under Netscape, it says No User Profile. My son says it doesn't translate the HTML correctly for my profile. Sorry

Don't know what to do about that.
That 's really great!!!!

I never knew that there was an info. section!! Boy do I feel dumb! Now I have to go and read everyones!!!

Love the photo!

Hi Val, my first thought when I clicked on your photo was...watch out for that speed bump!

Your pootch looks like a great cardio companion

Nanc, I love your photo

Nice outfit too!

Bev K.
P.S. How are you liking those Carushka pants and top we bought? My top still seems a tad bit "revealing" (if you know what I mean
), but the pants are great! Only thing is, now it's too hot to wear them down here.
New to me!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-03-00 AT 02:10PM (EST)</font></center>

I never knew about the INFO button. I went back to look at mine, and of course, had no info! I'm going to add it now!
Isn't is Fun?

...reading other's bio's under their info? You get to know each other even better. It's nice to put a face with a name also. Now, if I can only figure out how to get my pix inserted, I'll be doing good!!
My Favorites

I love "Power Max" for its choreography. The 360 is my all-time favorite move.

I love "Interval Max" for its music.

I love "Step Heat" for its warm-up and cooldown.

I love "Step Jam" for both music and choregraphy. I also like its pacing. It's not too fast and not too slow.

I like "Wedding Tape" cardio section because it's an intense, not too dancy workout that is over in 45 minutes.

I feel neutral regarding "Step Fit" and I miss Cedie as a cast member in this one.

"Step Works" is not my favorite -- I don't like the music and find some of the choreography in Set 2 is a bit redundant for my taste. Seems to be the same little routine over and over with a little interlude during the "Round the World" move. But "Step Works" is still ahead of all cardio workouts by anyone else. My main dislike of this one has got to be the music.
I Can't Spell French, but...

Both the moves are ballet moves. I haven't an idea of how to spell them, but I remember them from dance class
I forgot

I forgot -- I love "MIC" for its music and combination of hi/lo with step.

I love "Body Max" except that the music is boring and redundant. I wasn't considering it because it is a cross-trainer of sorts anyhow.....but it's one of the greatest workout videos ever made because of its sheer intensity!

That is why I cannot see certain people's profiles. I have Netscape at home and IE at work and now I can finally see some people's profiles. Cool. I guess I could always go in through IE which I also have at home but never knew that that was the problem.

I also thought I saw some mention of user names being split in two, for example, Val C instead of ValC.

In any event, I guess you do learn something new every day.


If you e-mail SNM a picture that you would like placed on your bio, they will do it for you. Just e-mail them at [email protected] and they will help you. I know because they helped me since I do not have a website.


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