What is wrong with me???


I think there is something seriously wrong with me because I just can't get excited about Low Max. I hear all of you talk about how great it is and how much you love it, but I find myself having to force myself to put it in a rotation. Am I doing something wrong? I just don't feel like I get that much out of it. Maybe it's a mental thing because I'm not sweating like a pig by the end, and in my brain that says "not a great workout". I don't know. Am I just crazy???

Are you using an 8" step? Are you getting REALLY low? I find the first couple of step/blast segments fairly easy, but then once she hits those dynamic outer thighs and sculpt 15's, I start sweating like crazy, but I make sure I go REALLY low. My legs are burning by the end of it. You could always try Pinky's enhanced Low Max. Or do the blast premix combined with something else. Sometimes I do the LM blast and the Imax 3 blast.:p
Hey Katie,

I think Low Max kicks my butt every time, because first off I have to walk to the gym, which is about 5 blocks and then I start the w/o, which is at 5 in the a.m.

Try doing Low Max Pinky's style. You'll definitely feel it.

Now maybe someone can give me advise about IMAX 3. That is one w/o I can never get myself to go beyond the warm-up....;(;(;(


Oh, Katie, every body is different. You're just out of the mainstream on this one so you're probably feeling peer pressure :).

I have to admit, whether I'm doing Low Max on a 6 inch step or 8 inch step, I am wiped out when I'm done.
I don't necessarily LOVE Lowmax...some of the step combos irritate me a bit...but it is a good solid cardio workout despite those dang reverse mambos on the step.

And yes, are you using a 8" step or 6" because that will make a difference. I've not been healthy lately so I've been doing Lowmax with a 6" step and I'm still working in the upper range of my heart rate.

I love the entire Hardcore series. It works.}(

Wait, I'm going to add that I don't like the Cardio Kicks workout and I think I am one of three people on this forum who find that workout not challenging. So...we all feel differently about these workouts. One workout may be killer for one person and yet be easy to another. Such is life.
nothing wrong with you at all. just try the following suggestions but still can't get into it, then maybe its just not a workout for you. we are all so different and wouldn't it be boring if we all liked the same thing. :)


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I do LowMax on a 10 inch step. I feel thoroughly worked out, but not wiped out aerobically. The advice to "go low" is definitely good, since it really focuses on your thighs. If I want a high intensity, heart pounding workout, I go for an Imax. But I still really like this one.
When I do Low Max I use an 8 inch step and get a great workout. The problem is that it just drags for me! It's one of those workouts where I keep doing a countdown for how much time I have left before it's over. I think that if the parts in between the blasts were not as broken down then I might enjoy it more. I keep it around though for when I want a good cardio workout but don't want the high impact.
I have to agree about the time dragging thing. The step portions are broken down almost as if it was a beginner/intermediate workout. That's why I sometimes just do the blast only premix.
I really love this workout. Partly b/c it's so very different than any other step workout I've done before, & partly b/c it really does kick my butt.

But, I don't know, everyone is different. You just have to find your (dis)comfort level to make the workout work for you. ;-)
I get a great workout with Low Max (burn more calories than I do with IMax 2). I do it very aggressively, and I get a great calorie burn.

But honestly, I don't enjoy doing it. I think she spends too much time teaching the step routine, and I think a lot of the blasts get boring after a couple of repetitions. I can definitely see why people love this workout, but it's just not my cup of tea.
I am very new to Cathe and I just bought Low Max and I love it. I love it because it has the step choreography I crave followed by an intensity segment to get my heart rate up. It's the best of both worlds for me.

I also love that I can do just the step combos or just the intensity segments if I want.

I think this video offers a lot.

I notice when I do this on a 6" step it is just so-so, but when I do it on an 8" inch step it is very challenging. I dread this workout! I think something is wrong with me because it kills me more than say, Bootcamp or The Terminator.
Oh it's looooooooooong. Way long. That's my only issue with it. And not b/c I can't do it, but b/c I'm so ADD. I get bored too fast. That's why I rarely finish Step Blast & Rhythmic Step--I love both workouts but I just can't go through the routine 5 times without my mind wandering off........
>I think there is something seriously wrong with me because I
>just can't get excited about Low Max. I hear all of you talk
>about how great it is and how much you love it, but I find
>myself having to force myself to put it in a rotation. Am I
>doing something wrong? I just don't feel like I get that much
>out of it. Maybe it's a mental thing because I'm not sweating
>like a pig by the end, and in my brain that says "not a great
>workout". I don't know. Am I just crazy???

Everyone has different tastes. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you're wrong. It just doesn't work for you.

If I feel this way about a workout after giving it a fair try (sometimes the first time I try a workout, I might be in a bad mood), I get rid of it. There's no use trying to force yourself to like something that you don't. There are so many other workouts to try, you're bound to find one you like. I may very well get rid of IMAX3 after one more try.
I never do the whole thing, but will tack it on to another step workout. This morning I did Sharon Mann's Work's DVD step routine, and tacked on some Lowmax step sections. Somehow it seems VERY long, but that does not mean it's not a good workout. I'm using it more because I'm sort of bored with the DVD's I keep using over and over.
Just Do It! :)
see I must just be OLD...as LowMax KICKS my BUTT!!!!

I was just telling my DH last night that 3 miles on the treadmill does not work me near as much as LowMax...

I work out alot but I have always had problems on the endurance end of things...

and I only do it on a 6" step...

I can't even begin to talk about the IMAX's...they slaughter me...literally...
I have always done it on an 8" step and it does kick my butt as far as frying my legs, but I don't really see it as a "cardio" workout. I will continue to try it and hopefully I will change my mind, but it IS really long and I just always think to myself while I'm doing it that I'd much rather be doing an IMAX. I kind of feel the same way about RS. It's alright, but I'd rather do SB. I do RS because I like the variety in my workouts and don't like to do the same one's over and over and over again, no matter how much I enjoy them. Heck, I'd do the IMAX's every day if I could.

Thanks ladies, I will push on and hopefully I'll grow to like it. Shelley, I think I'm going to take your advice and try the blast only premix in addition to something else.

I see what you're saying now, Katie, and I do agree with your opinion that LowMax isn't a killer-going to blow a lung-type of cardio like some of the IMAX blasts can make you feel.:D

And I feel the same about RS and the All Step in the CrossTrain series. But...we need those lighter cardios to balance out the IMAX's...although I never do that All Step workout anymore. I just can't make myself do it. And RS is almost as bad...I rarely put that one in a rotation.

I like the more athletic step workouts like Power Circuit and Step and Intervals. Now I could easily do an hour of those types of workouts and hopefully Cathe will make one sometime soon.:)
I don't care for Low Max either. It's way too long and I don't think the blasts are any fun. It also bothers my knees more than some of her higher impact workouts, so I never do it on a step height higher than 6 inches. It's a great workout for the legs, but I don't find it challenging, just very boring!

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